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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. I appreciate this thread's turn from the flying cockring in the sky to alien scanning.
  2. Other than Killz Fillz and @ndvhave we all turned into a bunch of broccoli haired TPWFs around here leaving this gold uncommented on? These aren't actually from the 90s, yet anyone who appreciates the VHS aesthetic over 8k count the pores on an asshole that most media is produced in these days should find this shit funny, otherwise I might have to take the advice in this clip and rid the world of those adorned wjth Tiktoker perms once and for all.
  3. Was as great as everyone in this thread said. Is based around the take of Brahman and is effectively a love story dedicated to God as the one who fights for love and hates how money corrupts and those with it seem to abuse their power. Whilst this part may seem crazy, for the first time ever I Had the entire cinema to Myself, other than the shadow demons which attacked Me in sync with some of the fight scenes. I seriously had to unbutton My shirt and left the cinema in a sweat and almost got to the point whereby I have broken My binds that chain Me and I almost cN do a full split. I wasn't even on drugs, yet this happened around the time of the drug scene which powers him up, almost like the multiverse doped Me up from another dimension. I advise anyone who likes stylistic cinema and appreciates action to go watch it, as it really has a unique aesthetic compared to anything else I have seen and the pacing is incredible. The fact the theater was empty makes Me worried that they will fail to produce films like this, yet at the same time I was able to experience how fuxking stupid it would be for Me to have one of those Mega Mansions with a real home cinema all to MySelf like one sees on Producer Michael's Youtube. The funniest part was seeing him deal with his female "boss", prior to the credits which said the film was directed by Dev Patel. I won't dox the comedy there, yet if anyone knows the role of Mr Patel in Peep Show they may get why I found it comedic. Apologies if I left this reviee a little vague as I encourage you to go watch it on the big screen as you won't be disappointed, especially if the multiverse converges for you as it did for Me. Edit - I should add that I left the theater in tears as the ending being the revelation of it being a love story made Me cry. And now I re-read My post I made prior to seeing it, I laugh at Me referencing My love nature and if you watch the movie and pay attention you will understand why this movie was like autobiographical to Me & My own life in so many ways. Happy to explain more once you have seen it.
  4. Smithers O'Neal is the Man. This is the funniest content I have found online in years and is perhaps the best comedy Youtube has to offer. I am sure some people here may ebjoy this content and believe these videos to be worthy of their own thread as opposed to being lost in one of the other Youtube or Gen Discussion threads. And for My fellow /nohomo advocates
  5. Good to seee you and thanks for all the PC support in years past before I ended up with the Apple ghey sherple virus.
  6. Off to watch this now based on the advice in this thread. Need to take My mind off impending doom so watching someone else fight as I can't due to My love nature is hopefully able to help.
  7. Watched Kong x Godzilla. Oredicatble, wasn't worth the price of the cinema ticket after the preview tricked Me.
  8. I see you are familiar with Big Lez. I actually supported Jared who made the show on Patreon as He is well familiar with the Kundalini madness to which I have also become familiar with. Shall check out his latest toons when I am back in 5G coverage though https://youtu.be/e-_nrOrmYdk?si=1m1XxsdSayS2WXMN
  9. No tranny handjobs but a tranny eating a shit is all I know about said movie.
  10. Just epic. You are doing life right it seems. Good to see you back on here.
  11. Local legend of Midland and Perth, presumed schitzo by most but apparently extremely intelligent. Rides his push bike with no shoes everywhere and pretty much uses madness as a way of telling people to keep away, a tactic I may wind up trying at some point due to having to work in aforementioned suburb and not finding some of the locals as the types I want anywhere near Me. My Mum reckons he used to just pull up at red lights next to cars muttering stuff and scare the shit out of people in Vic Park, so he gets around, and he got some social media fame years back as said clip shows.
  12. This pretty much makes the case that sees MJ as innocent. Think I posted here before but the fact he got too much power and control in this world of cubts that seek to chop down those that get too high in whatever domain or arena threatens whatever "control" someone (or some org) claims to have.
  13. The Dope version of "You spin Me round" is a pretty cool cover of the famous meatspin track I will say whilst on said topic.
  14. Thanks @Schnitzelfor sending Me a reunion shirt which I can now confirn reciept of after a day which saw Me heading beachward only to have fate preclude Me from getting where I intended with My van, only having been serviced yesterday, deciding to not allow Me to leave the suburb I work from. So this thread is My attempt to offset and to combat the pessimistic view I have of this world at times by being recognisant of those whose altruistic deeds see them give with the intent of being loved and valued in a way that money will never be able to substitute as the currency of exchange. Also shoutout to @Some1for helping Me with My ESTA visa last time I was visiting the USA as another act by a forum member that will always see 12oz as My favourite internet community of all. So yeah, if someone on this forum or in real life has helped you out in some way or been generous with their time and energy in the same way My new mechanic friend (and friend of the infamous "Maddog" as featured below) Adrian did last night with teaching Me about My van's mechanics, then use this thread to shout them out.
  15. Exactly My sentiments. My 12oz patch on My hat bypasses the ban that has been applied here to those who would usually patch jackets to designate gang affliation, as they are forbidden to enter licenced premises. As a result they have taken to wearing Vegas/LA/Oakland Raiders caps as their way of signifying alliances according to the West Australian newspaper, and I am just making a joke about it as I think it is funny. I now feel super sick though so this weekend will be spent relaxing.
  16. You still playing Street Fighter man? You were a beast back in the day. Good to see you on here mang.
  17. T looks good except for tramp stamp QR code. Hopefully the VIP includes more upload space so I can post images again from iPHone.
  18. Just went and had a falafel from a cafe here in Leederville after choosing it over the first one I passed which didn't accept cash. Sadly the one I went to was also not accepting cash, so I asked why and the girl serving said "not My choice" to which I responded "It is only meaningless zeroes and ones, numbers on a screen anyway" and the look on her boss' face changed from a shit eating grin to a diahorrea sucking grimmace. Least I can do until the zeroes and ones are augmented on HOST to preclude Me from denigrating those who use money as a means to avoid or inflict abuse upon those who lack it like Myself.
  19. The reason I post My Akuma form is for describing the "Dying 1000 deaths" in seeing the people drive past Me with nothing else to do in their life at 11am here on a Friday morning being the equivalent of the living dead. Yes I see life as a big joke especially after Wednesday morning when I decided to count the mentions of money in conversation, and from 7am to 930am at 35 times I decided to let the fools discussing it into how they are "Ho-ing Their Arse" by making everything about their "Ho U Are" aka "hour" rate of money they were recieving for digging their own grave (by digging a hole in the earth in order to obtain money). The irony being that I am here to witness such stupidity given I am off the power and gas grids that necessitated digging such holes to begin with.
  20. Pretty much. Plus I see it as though that eye belongs to My other half/demon side/wife and as such nobody deserves to see it nor give Me this money corrupted society of shitty inequality as being that which we are both subjected to witnessing. I am just saying I got paint in My eyes, I fail to disclose that it is shit coloured and is why I am forced to stand on the road here as opposed to doing anything else I could potentially be doing to make it so I was feeling as though I am living as opposed to just existing.
  21. Been doing that. On day 3 of the sickness and it is getting worse to the point where lifting My 3.5L water bottle is a struggle
  22. Also can mention I am down to one eye in a "Chad" experiment, My left eye obscured by a Kano-pirate like eyepatch with My sigil inside it so that I can burn My signature into My retina.
  23. I agree. Took some time off here to let things simmer onky to have to spend 4 hours catching buses to Maddington to go to Toyota to collect the radiator pipe they refused to refund after I returned it the first week of January, only getting an answer yesterday. I am now sick with flu and body aches are coming on covid style whilst I am at work next to a train line in Leedervile listening to bulk cars fly past and the people fixing a gas leak using concrete cutters. Just what environment one wants to be in when they are sick.
  24. Quick life update after having nothing to do on Easter Saturday (so apparently dates of death are now moveable given Easter has always been in April My entire life but whatever) and a couple of pints. So the past week I have been going to a massage parlour to engage with My wife as the whore she is as she inhabits other avatars and fucks random stangers for money (the fate I sought to save her from when I gave away Mt entire life and identity to go to the other side of the world to prevent it) and in dealing with the whores who continually ask Me for money (a false construct I use to prove their worthlessness to Me as being nothing other than selfish, worthless, careless whores) to continue to feel good or party, Couple this with the fact that I get raped and abused by her employed gyard dogs she has acquired to replace Me and I am ready to end Myself and this world along with all the 8.5 billion wotthless cunts she chose to placate and show love to over and above Me in spite of Me putting her and her happiness over and above My own. I hold the Ace card up My sleeve whenever she comes back, I will say give Me back My bank account then fuck off and complain to the worthless cunts who suggested she leave Me hanging on Christmas morning to ho spend time with them 7+ years ago only to fuck Me over for every single second since. I hope that the only Man who will ever have truly loved her and proven it via going to Hell to let her know where her demons dragged her to exactly, as I reveal how I did everything possible to prevent such an occurence eventuating, the she can deal with the fact that I will hate her forevermore for all the pain, suffering, mental torment and abuse I suffered due to her choosing soulless cunts She spawned when I made her God in My place and incarnated as a human allowing her complete control and authority over My life. If she ever wants to be with Me, her only option is to play God and kill every man other than Me lest she has 5 billion or so reminders of her failure to listen to Me or believe My love is true over them and their lies.
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