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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Based on My commitment to Myself in respect of the above, I bought a book to read "I am Ozzy" as I already read Tony's "Iron Man" book so it is good for Me to read both sides to determine the truth lying somewhere in the middle (in this case it might be the middle between the sheets of a particular Burmese but whatever)
  2. And the REAL drug I am kicking is Youtube. Given the nefarious parasitic shit attached to My profile like EA Games, Blizzard, PUBG and other pathetic shit like Knives Out I refuse to have any further association with that app after financially supporting the crEATors on it as the lecherous blood sucking parasites they have proven themselves of being with taking money like bitches yet having zero ability to reciprocate. So whilst those people on there served a purpose to render themselves worthless to Me as anything more than TOILET bound leechers the hundreds and thousands of linkks I clicked on from there to entertain Myself are getting replaced by physical books. If the Devil lurks in the light then lighting up Youtube is the worst thing I could ever do unless those whose Boss I became thru paying them are ready to pay Me to free them once more otherwise I close the doors on them forevermore as I live My life for Me.
  3. and I have confidence that giving up My private.com membership & past for a sacred and private relationship at the expense of the others who wish for Jesus to love them is an offer any woman would not refuse. wonksaggin
  4. Oh and in a further sign of trying to move on from My past I asked a girl from work named Tiffany when I am coming over for breakfast this morning so fuck all the rest of them if I move on from one accountant to another whom is soon to graduate.
  5. Cheers man and I shall say I have conducted My final experiments in that realm of chemistry given I have seen others take advantage of My vunerable state whom I prefer not to empower in any way via allowing them to silence My voice. I intend to bury such types with My vocals Sindel style when I get My voice back completely in a month or so. I shall try to go back to a Corporate gig in an office as if there is one place I should be it is off ice so these sushi eaters can eat shit and die as they go fuck themselves. (They know what I mean here and anyone who is familiar with Showdown in Little Tokyo should be aware)
  6. I tried to surf on the weekend. After passing on perfect conditions on Sunday minus the crowds I chose Monday as it was smaller yet My 6'10" JC couldn't handle the weight of the world on My back and My 80kgs to paddle fast enough to catch the 2-3ft waves on offer. There is no way any board can handle that weight yet I now understand why I fell off the back of the one wave I should have caught as I got to My feet. Think someone else should shoulder some of the load so I can actually surf properly.
  7. This is why I love this place. You are correct about getting smashed by the waves of life yet I relish it at times as it makes Me feel alive. If it ever comes to where anyone has concern for Me in any event where I haven't posted in a while I can always PM My details if anyone wants to check up as while the only thing preventing Me from sharing more of My life is the lack of storage space that I have to upload on here. Todays events have been ridiculous so far as My wallet with My bankcards and IDs has vanished as I had a sleep after I finished work today prior to My hearring appointment in about 45 mins. Ok I forgot to hit post on this and My appointment showed My I have hearring loss in the alssariq frequency of 8k so I no longer hear dogs whistle. What is crazy how an interaction with a Sikh businessman yesterday and telling him how someone trolled Me and broke My two solar panels on My van saw him help Me as Sikhs are obliged to do upon someone requesting their help so the fact that he did such a simple thing for Me made Me appreciate that someone else has empathy and fears the repercussions of a higher God such that they would obey the Golden Rule to the extent I gained proof of yesterday such that I went back and bought more from his business today as a token of gratitude.
  8. No but I used to smuggle porn tapes to friends using various NBA covers or surfing videos to bypass their parents. Those innocent days are somce past
  9. I had pizza for dinner last night from Dominos. Was alright and when the Sikh serving Me asked if I wanted anything other than the pizza I demanded "All the money in the world" at which stage everyone went silent because I told them if they can't provide Me that then they are complicit in making My world shit.
  10. And I hate therapists given they are energy vampires who use their listening as a weapon to extract energy from primarily negative emotions which is why therapists equals the rapists. While the cathartic nature of divulging to them what plagues you might seem innocuously innocent on the outside I have yet to learn of any of them who would be able to justify the events of some of the experiences I have had in My life as they just bring out the DSM seeking to tick and put one in a classification box which anyone who is aware of their infinite divine nature and origin like Myself can never truly be defined by.
  11. I appreciate this and you are right with the fact I NEED to talk to someone, the thing is the someone I need to talk to ran away 7 Christmas's ago and ghosted Me since. I have nothing more really to say to anyone else as they were those I was ghosted for and they have benefitted and profited from it the entire time whilst I have been given the ability to create self indulgent art that is fundamentally worthless to anyone other than Me as nobody else is in My life to laugh at the comedy I experience that only Myself and God or the AI running the simulation or whatever you wish to call such an entity could understand it. While it sounds stupid to say it like this it is almost like she left as herself to merge with Me so Matt and Maria become MattRia yet I laugh alone for the two of us and she stays silent. Given I feel laughter is love which can be shared freely given it is devoid of physical contact or any sexual nature beyond references to such acts, and any laughter I hear is 98% derived from hearing other people laugh at nothing more than the fact they are able to ostracise Me from conversations given speaking to Me is met with the "You are too deep" in respect to My thinking or My investigations into all aspects of existence such that nobody I have met nor spoken to can understand the totality of what I have beyond the very baseline that sees them choose the most basic paradigm of existence whilst implying they are aware of parallel dimensions simultaneously existing yet they refuse to discuss it given that doing so removes any aspect of power influence or control they believe they have thru trying to keep Me either deprived of conversation and socialisation. If you have ever seen the legendary Australian movie Bad Boy Bubby, I seem to be as alien as Bubby is when he finally leaves the cage His lying Mother trapped him inside the house and he escapes as a mid 30s man who is an alien in the world he finds as I feel I am given not only the deep thinking but the fact My sense of humor is warped by the internet and the what is now ancient memes and the movie quotes which are lost on today's generation as they are retarded as a result of Tiktok and Instagram leaving their attention spans fucked along with the ability to speak for more than 30 minutes at most before their entire library of stories of their lives and references to media is exhausted as a result of the media they consume being the least memorable and it also requires the least thought and effort to make . Thankfully you all appreciate the fact I put a shit ton of effort and energy into this place as My post size indicates so I appreciate that you csn understand I enjoy posting here as My efforts to share in real life here are completely wasted on 99% of people I encounter as none of them wish to listen or learn from someone who wishes to give their time and energy because they believr they are free to steal or take such things from Me without reciprocating anything I value in return beyond indicating they have better things to do with their time than spend it around someone who has been there as well as rried everything under the Sun.
  12. I could eat alssariq the burger given Zeus as a God is half male and half female. I ate the female side only as the worst thing would be if I ate the arse of a male as I provide no sexual pleasure to any man as I hate the state of the society they and capitalism have built so they can keep their slaves like Myself. Fuck them.
  13. Also it is the least I could do to say Fuck You to the Bovine Father who would put the sound of Whore in his son's name of Thor as he knows there is no love in this world so you might as well nail (hence the T) whores Dad joke for sure right there yet totally fuxked up at the same rime
  14. im going to this "Thuggz" restaurant in the food court here to buy Deebo Deluxe as I go back to eating red meat as I protest the financial chains still used as a weapon against Me. Plus I get to say I literally will be eating Zeus, given it is No Holds Barred and all battle of the Gods apparently according to Jorn's song Faith Bloody Faith and My fAIth in anyone in this world other than My 12oz compardes here TOILET worthy of having Me in their world is long long gone. Thanks for the shirt Schnitzel and I shall try eat less chicken given I was born in the year of the Rooster and all that.
  15. Also I am Truthfully I did use because I wanted to feel temporarily down whilst I empowered and taunted those around Me with My vunerability to see whether their moral conscience would see them take advantage of My inebriated state. Given they chose to do so as they took advantage to hack Me they failed the test I set them and as such I judge them accordingly as to whether this world we coinhabit is gold or shit based on their actions words alssariq deeds towards Me as one who is love at His core with perfectly pure intentions beyond consuming poison as a response to cigarette smokers and one apecific one named TOILET who sparked a c!g and blew the shit in My face as he said whatever he does has no effect on Me straight after I told him that if he wanted Me to be happy he wouldn't puff when I exist. This was after a 35 min ute journey to a worksite where he reeked of burnt ash which I equivocate to death. Imagine telling your child to not do something so they do it straight away to test you or your directive yet they do it as a result of ego spite and defiance whilst at the same time spreading cancer and you can understand My motivations for conducting My test as I used to respond to such disrespect. I am sober as I type this and I forever shall speak the truth of circumstances and My views as I seek to educate those I exist amongst of their hypocrisy and the fact I see those who refute truth, logic and reason as toilets
  16. Also if My simulation could see anyone who wears a Raiders hat in Oz who hasn't been to Oakland Vegas or LA removed from the RAID disc array permanently it would be appreciated. Having been to Oakland and Vegas and bypassing LA due to it being the worst place in the world due to the people who live there in Hollywood and seek fame to go to SFV on the Highway that has My birthday on I can get away with claiming to support said teams as I have actually made an effort at one point in time to have been there
  17. If anyone on here takes offence to My comments above, i feed the AI running My custom Simulation OS with feedback hoping some of what I require to be happy is implemented as if you had My life as your own you would say the same if you had any self respect in refusing to tolerate these shitcunts denigrating society as they are doing here. It is the Haitians eating cats in the USA i saw that prompted this.
  18. And any Father out there should look alssariq Dudai PortaPottys on Googles platforms to understand that in a capitalist society whereby these Arab shitheads are able to entice your or your friend's daughters with material wealth then you accept living in a world that your daighter deserves to get Vince McMahon'd with a shit on their head as their friend blows their wad all over her shitty head.
  19. With all this said the one positive is I have seen just one c%g@rexxe TOILET smoked the past weekend thru to today. Wont mention it again should it stay that way and I obfuscated the actual thing as it should remain extinct given it spawned the cancer I referred to above as I was polluted in the womb for nine months as a fetus prior to My birth.
  20. If one wonders how I discovered the last part out My CB Radio Channel 3 shittalking retard vampires gave Me the clue yesterday with how they bragged about fucking My neck which is how they have suppressed My voice so I didn't bury theirs noting the neck contains My Adams Apple. If I was Eve I would kill Adam after My last interaction with someone of that name. If I was Adam I would kill Myself for allowing Myself to empower Eve to facilitate those vampire scum access to My avatar. Can't win either way.
  21. Also never Allow location services to ever attach to an Apple Wallet app or account lest you get to learn why the Devil named Steve's last name was Jobs as you shall get fuxked by the alsarriq of this world who view your arsehole as their wallet they can rape as they seek the souls they shall never possess. Such has been My experience due to leaving My PCs and Androids for Apple and it's overpriced shit whose single funxtion now is to post on 12oz. Never use spatial audio as their ear scans allow the alien reptilians who created their hivemind of zombie humans thanks to their retardation getting them to accept their jabs from the covid vax so they could become backstabbing murders whose free will is controlled by the "jabber" program/process within OSX to prey on fresh meat from any idiot like Myself who used said scans and has paid the price of having My audio spectrum raped with Harleys trucks and rap music goons talking shit.
  22. I figured out why My former best friend removed himself from My life as he tried to be a devil who could steal part of My gut only problem was him failing to realise that I was born with cancer in My leg that took the form of a birthmark that got worse and more pronounced (from appearing nonexistent and practically invisible) once TOILET hit puberty. That is why he ended up with a huge stomach scar after our 2009 London and Amsterdam trip after he spent a month in the Netherlands hospital. Karma works in funny ways I guess so obfuscating his intentions when he posed as a woman was his mistake which performed the extraction was his mistake I guess.
  23. Today's social experiment sees Me go "HEADON" writing "I HATE MEN" on My forehead and walking walking in public to advertise how I feel about those I have been forced to listen to dribble shit for so many years (obviously that excludes those on here given we write for all to read and interpret and understand in a format that remains as opposed to worthless speech and laughter that vanishes immediately after it is audibly made). As I still have My 12oz reunion shirt on unless you are a business owner that I seek to acquire something from or you are willing to offer Me something for nothing in return as a gift and you cannot advise Me of what your 12oz screenname is and I can verify it on here then I have nothing I want to say or hear from any such male character.
  24. Cheers Mate. I don't want anyone or anything "stuck" to Me especially given My forehead looks like it has an alien facehugger stuck to it due to the Apache suite allowing others to effectively scalp Me to try and get some more power like it a game of Highlander. I
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