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Everything posted by Mauler5150

  1. Is that Ted Danson in the dark green shirt??:lol::lol:
  2. CreamyPotatoe are you new or just a new name? I'm curious, and were you invited here if you are that new?
  3. Ahh yes, no dramas, ahha. Its weird going over east, asking for a pint and they go 'a schooner?' and give you a sideways look. Why don't they just standardize it?
  4. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread My ear just popped, now it is ringing. I guess I am having shitty luck today. When did Rookie status on here get changed to Newbie??
  5. Tango you aren't Victorian are you? We call them cartons over here! :lol::lol: You know you are from a pisshead nation when you have all these different names for packaging/glass sizes all around the country.
  6. What do you expect if you are skulling (skolling?) beers down? Beer is meant to be drank normally at a relaxed pace Ayebee, not chugged down like you see fratboy idiots do in movies.
  7. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread I wonder what an overseas phone email would cost, or whther I can do it from a 3 year old Nokia? I just got out the shower, and upon cleaning my ears out, I am now deaf in 1 ear. Shit sucks.
  8. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Anyone have a bluetooth connection on their comp I can borrow to post a rather incriminating pic that was sent to my phone of this chick that wants to fuck me so I can post on here?
  9. Get someone to chip in with you. Or if you buy it, it will probably just sit on your shelf, for the occassional shot every now and again. It is an aquired taste, and don't give any to young girls as I mentioned earlier in this thread, unless vomiting is required. I am not sure of the difference sorry, I have only had the green one. But for getting fucked up, if you had 5 shots, I'd say you would be on your way. I'd say try an over-priced shot from the bar with your mates, then decide on whether to get one or not.
  10. Same here, I can't type for shit when trashed. It was taking me like 10 minutes to make a post the other day when i was fucked. In 2 hours I think I made like 6 posts or something.
  11. Ahahha, she probably hoped that in the first place. From now on, keep em off the Mysapce, and only on Ch0.
  12. Haha yes, I saw them then, and Manute told me why you took them down. Fuck it, I am gonna do a workout and have a bottle of wine tonight. I have decided....
  13. Haha, why didn't I see those tits AB? And I thought my cas effort the other night was good tango, I put $1 in a pokey and walked out with $2. Fuck gambling.
  14. Re: Music Exchange What was wrong with the thread title? But I understand what you are on about. I'll make some more guitar tracks and upload them when I have time. Maybe even my 'Commando tune' hahha.
  15. man, she had 5 other equally crazy bitches around, and I can never hit a chick (its even harder when you are keeled over from the pain)
  16. Hahh that is mad some1 I was kneed in the balls by a chick one time when I was 18, after I asked her on her hen's night if she was up for some fun on her last night of freedom. It seemed like a valid question at the time, haha. But my balls paid the price for it...
  17. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD Oh man those last ones are instant classics!!
  18. Damn I was trashed last night. I remember how hard it was to type all those posts I made.
  19. Damn, how do you surpass perfection? I ask you this question!!!! Drunk as fuck, off my chops, I dunno what the hell to say. That is all I muster......
  20. Mauler5150


    Man, then you can just get in longer stints. Think about it. I just felt like dropping that quote in there to keep the thread near the top. Damn.
  21. Mauler5150


    Aren't you a leedle old..... for veedeo games?? Cosign on that Rockband shit MV, I think that will be the game along with GTA4 that make me buy a next Gen console. Until then I am more than happy with my PS2..
  22. Why dont you post that vid of kettiecat for reminiscing sake ilb? I feel hell n00bish in this thread.
  23. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread How is that creep status? That is beyond me?:o But this chick is cool, I like her, plus I need somebody to show me around for when I get over there one day. Hell I think it is the best idea I thought of for a while, and it was her suggestion if you must know. Just because I already speak your lanuguage VAJ!! :p
  24. Ralphy, get Nero Premium from Demonoid with the crack. Why are you still using Limewire and not torrents can I ask??
  25. Yes, I have sung the praises of Stella a few times thru this thread. Haven't had it for a while, but since I am meant to be hitting the cas tomorrow, it seems I shall reconfirm my love of the stuff.
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