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vacuum cleaner

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Everything posted by vacuum cleaner

  1. bwomp... scratch what i said bump dhl, or what is still dhl.
  2. AA green apple so good. what is the other color, summer squash?
  3. lawlllll mad graffeety tat2z not my flava... but i'll admit to liking that justyne
  4. rlax is getting some well-needed help... lookin way better.
  5. bump them historical flicks... on another note, i used to see random stuff from jester every once in a while. keep em cominnn
  6. they're trying to convince you to post pictures.
  7. i don't know whether to be appalled or to be like "LAWLZ THATS THE TOTAL SHOOP" facepalm
  8. ^^ seconded magic hat's hocus pocus or #9 newcastle tsingtao delerium tremens is pricey, but good too free beer trumps all, though
  9. pizza draped over a calzone. yeahhhhh!
  10. ^ and thats the way you get jumped.
  11. ^^ i wouldve gone without the teeth, really kills it. but, for bitchmongering to backitup, it's good. fill's bananas.
  12. yessssssssss... this video is my childhood. and, the chick who runs into the car... BAM!
  13. My hours got cut. Not as bad as losing a job and getting escorted, but still shitty. Tonight'll heal that shit though
  14. all that import paint must've mad junked up those HH kids in that room. That shit is heavy on the breathing.
  15. This thread is funny. Probably because of vicodinner. Heath Ledger made me nervous, but... not keepin me from staying stoopid on vicodin and hard liquor. Makes life a bit less predictable. And I guess that's a good thing.
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