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Everything posted by Skilla54

  1. haha friends always hate on your girl. its our job to let you know there is always some one better.
  2. leaving or believing ?
  3. Re: Nu Joisey Legalizes Medical Marijuana, Jersey Shore Watercooler Talk Continues Unhinde people with aids that live in jerz that have homies in ny about to bank
  4. my fucking sarcasm detector is going off the charts in this thread
  5. its crazy how everyone watches this show and talks about it. mtv just banked so hard. fuck.
  6. internet information trail for the win
  7. you should make a section with all your classic 12oz posts tooo
  8. Re: I shit my pants today. worst story ever.
  9. hasnt this sauce been sweated enough. jeeez time warp back to 2000
  10. i rarely ever use a razor and i have pretty crazy beard. basically i just let it grow until i cant stand it. which isnt very long, then just get a shape up. probably every 3 weeks about. unless i got a date with a new girl. i dont want her to my unshaven ways until shes already addicted to my dick
  11. every day is worse than the last
  12. best show ever im calling scripted tho
  13. these dudes that dont wear cologne ever dont need to cause the girl they wit/hollern at can only smell their rank ass unshowered puss.
  14. holllllllllllllly shit. and im apart of it.
  15. Skilla54

    got fam

    spend time away from your main family, but visit with family u dont usually see and be nice to them. they well then tell your main family how awesome you are. making you look awesome.
  16. take it to go, take it to go
  17. dont you fools get it. they want you to hate them. theyre getting famous by being the bad guy. ie kanye being kanye
  18. trynta get drunk and fuck and then loosen the belt oner
  19. i just farted but i have a cold so i cant smell it
  20. i dont know what your talking about myspace usually ruins the girl. u get to see her whole past and whorey pics. fuck that
  21. im taking an 18 year old spanish girl that wears jordans to see this on our first date on friday. wish my luck yall
  22. but but i need people to see that im cool and drink at partys
  23. im just on the one meal a day plan which comes around 5 pm
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