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Everything posted by Skilla54

  1. cuming insdie hoes makes me want them to have my young.
  2. Re: Shit The Shit Thread i just took a shit that made me feel 5 pounds lighter. i need me a pretty hoe to turn out. i have called every connect i know of. and no one is around. :shakehead: :rolleyes: :shakehead::rolleyes: :mad:
  3. Re: Shit The Shit Thread i could of just made a lot of money.. sigh.
  4. snakes on a plane torrent anyone?
  5. Re: Splinter in The Shitter my stomach hurts from a bowl of life cerial.
  6. Re: Splinter in The Shitter fuck should i go for a bike ride or smoke a blunt
  7. Re: Shot it in her Bot Thread im fucking sitting here in class hung over like a fucking mother fucker. yep. ate some under cooked and over cooked meat last night. my stomachs all fucked up n shit. its hot and muggy outside. but im feeling better now and bout to mac this hoe next to me.. so this day seems to get better?
  8. Skilla54


    can some1 post that gif spiral pink dildo.. that shit makes me lolerskates
  9. Skilla54


    yeah my guys only play sports shits.. once in awhile i can hang, but they play like every night and the score ends being 500-7. whats worse? watching tv all day? sleeping all day? playing video games all day? pink dildo?
  10. craigs list hooks it up. good lookn craig
  11. unless shes fine and not a bitch.. get her fired. female supervisors are alright if they like you. but if their old ass ugly bitches they like to take crap out on you. so fucccccccck that. and what the fuck. why the fuck do i have to get up all early and sit in a class that i think is retarted. bah fuck this shit. my stomach hurts. * edit: use the picture to get free lay.
  12. where on craigs list do u go to find pics of hoes?
  13. ahahaha dead on with that comment :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:
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