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Everything posted by Skilla54

  1. is the cd leeked one the net anyw where?
  2. climbed over the top seems more logical
  3. im waiting for imp3 phones to atleast have 230 gigssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
  4. Skilla54


    public defender oner
  5. so if the last girl i nutted in got tested and is clean, means im clean too. right?
  6. i sleep all day and sit on the computer the rest of the day then smoke then sleep
  7. its time for the propulator oontz oontz
  8. i held my pee for mad long this morning. it was mad cold and i didnt want to get outa bed. held that shit for who knows how long. did feel mad relieved tho once i peed out my brains ya heard oner
  9. yoyo tripping on drugs sounds like fun.
  10. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo my schedule is all fucked up I just ordered some shoes off the internet for the first time. i like them
  11. dope if i come out there can you hook it up with a bed or at least tell me where to chill
  12. i havent gotten props since january :/
  13. yes there are wack party masters. and truth they get money from a trust fund. or some might work their ass off just to party
  14. you party in the same city. you run into the same people. you see the same girls you banged/ tried to bang. occasionally a new party person will show up and occasionally one will fall off. anyway partying all the time is a hard life. party masters are the people you see at every good party. (they wont be at bad a party because they are party masters). they usually give you the heads up on a good party. and they usually introduce you to some females (because they are party masters they know everyone). thanks to the party masters. i love to party but im damn near not social enough to talk to everyone. mostly a rant.
  15. Skilla54


    nikes lakai too
  16. what the fuck?????? i keep trying to download this new futurama but none is working. i dont understand i tried many sites. maybe its this bit torrent program on the compute fuck this annyoing
  17. sidewalk has very limited room. many bumps and cracks and youll run into some dude coming out a store. cars just need patients with a bike.
  18. i wish it were still summer... i hate riding all bundled up. fucking wack
  19. i pay all my tickets. if you dont, it justs gets worse. i really hate parking tickets. last night tho there was a party in a yuppie bar area where every street was parking permit. around midnight the citys got 2 nigs walking around giving tickets. fuck this city
  20. newsweek everything else i read at the sto
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