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Jack McCoy

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Everything posted by Jack McCoy

  1. lol i can tell by your name you're taking that shit mad personally.
  2. damn you're early with this one bro dude's beeeeen out oh, and he sucks
  3. Heavy coffee drinker here as well, but I've been embracing the can of Pepsi alternative in recent weeks.
  4. You's a window shopper. Cash it out and buy drugs. Either that or a PSP with some games.
  5. You rock a tree? Like an outfit? That's fly!!! I'm out mom's too... for a while now, but she's not even putting a tree in this year because we're all going out of state. Older sister bought the whole fam tickets to go see her. And for the guy bitching about fake trees... in a lot of spots, like Co-op City for example, you're not even allowed to have real ones because of the fire hazard. My neighbors burned their crib down like that in the 80's, but it didn't help that Dad was a chain smoking alcoholic I'm sure. Also, a good X-mas standard is spray-snow.
  6. Ray Nagin said the gumbo hasn't been the same since the hood was washed away by nature's fury. That's tasteless, like the current gumbo.
  7. Damn I thought it already was a nationwide epidemic. I haven't seen too much of it in NYC since the rave days, but I hear the homos swear by it. Not for nothing that shit is fun, but I got silly with it for 3 straight months in '97 and it was eventually pretty scary. I saw myself levitating above my own body one night and decided I'd give it a break.
  8. I caught part of it on cable and one of the girls was getting deep into her feelings of insecurity about her appearance and other issues. And basically crediting SuicideGirls with allowing her to find self love, etc. I really feel that has no place in even the softest of porn. And on a totally different tip, I fucking hate that pseudo-burlesque ultra cheesy cabaret vibe they're working with.
  9. what if you filled your mouth with soda and stuck a pack of mentos in your mouth>
  10. first of all who doesn't like christmas? that's crazy talk. don't be all political and righteous, it's a nice time of year.
  11. ahhh but don't forget the very late sit-com they tried to come with.. I think it was called "the mullets"
  12. Don't drop out. If you have any aspirations for your future you'll end up going back. Only this time you'll be older and spending your own money.
  13. Don't any of you have cable. It's on all the time. And it's pretty stupid.
  14. I like the Lazy What happened to Rich?
  15. Oh man that's a corny site. But did you read the one thing about the british kid that jigged another kid with a kitchen knife and then said "don't line me again" before leaving the scene. Probably mad old news.
  16. sell me this cheap please. Quoted post [/b] how much you expecting to get for that?
  17. Oh hell no my nigga, I like rare strip and filet. If I had to give up meat I'd be so pissed.
  18. Secret Santa at a restaurant? Last year at my job I got my co-worker the Ciara CD. She loved it.
  19. Is that Winnie Cooper? Banks... top of the food chain Nigggggaaaa!
  20. Any part in Bloodsport, especially when dude's bone goes through his leg. When Sonny beats Carlo down by the hydrant in Godfather (2?) And this isn't a movie but when Tony whips the senator with the belt for fucking his russian ex-mistress. That was humiliating.
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