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Oi Vei

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Everything posted by Oi Vei

  1. what are you, a fucking dove? interesting google result for dove:
  2. fuck fasting im baking some chocolate chip cookies right now and i just got dj shadow's preemptive strike, which entirely makes up for whatever new shit he just put out. excellent stuff. a great way to spend the day "atoning for my sins". one of the better results from googling "yom kippur": sorry for the size 56k-ers. and fuck mel gibson.
  3. i havent listened to modern times much yet, but from what ive heard already, it sounds pretty good. not as good as time out of mind, though, which is the best and most underrated out of his most recent records.
  4. kabar, i was wondering if you could drop some knowledge on hopping freights across the canadian border. are trains stopped at the border for inspection? is there some sort of mandatory screening process that bulls, border patrol, or railway authorities must conduct? if this question is too hot a topic, please ignore it. thanks very much, it's greatly appreciated.
  5. the nibs on several of my mops have had a tendency to rip/break off after having broken them in a little bit. im aware that i could plug them up with sponge, felt eraser, etc. as an alternative, but first, i was just curious if anyone else had any other solutions or similar experiences. thanks in advance.
  6. can anyone recommend a relatively thin refillable marker (or something similar like a gluepen) that works decently? thanks in advance.
  7. ive never really experimented with canvas before, and i was just wondering what some of you used, besides aerosol paint... paint markers? airbrushes? just naming a few products that you use would be much appreciated. thanks in advance.
  8. umm no, he's from buffalo, ny. and this is just amazing... one of revs' best rollers in my opinion and a great spot as well.
  9. ^^hahahaha! ...on another note, i recall somebody mentioned something called "aluminum dust" which supposedly adds a nice touch to silver ink/paint/brake fluid mixtures. i looked for it at a few hardware stores today and the employees hadn't heard of it, so i was just wondering if i have the name wrong or if its made up entirely, etc. if you have any idea of what im talking about, id just like to know what it is exactly and where it can be found. thanks in advance.
  10. thanks inkwell. im gonna test it out soon just to make sure your right.
  11. does anyone know whether nail polish remover and break fluid will react badly together?
  12. ive seen white pentel ink online before, but today was the first time i had the opportunity to get some (in the form of the skinny pentel marker). from what ive heard the ink is decent, but the marker doesnt seem great from what ive done with it so far. i have an idea of how to get the ink out of the marker but does anyone have any experiences to share on the matter? is there a simple way to do it? and if there is a way to successfully extract the ink from the marker, what are some good substances to mix it with? thanks in advance.
  13. this sn/scan throw is one of the freshest ive seen in a long time. much respect to montreal.
  14. sorry about the size on some of these... just some abandoned stuff sitting around on my photobucket account.
  15. -Vacuum Cleaner for "golf". -Joe Tagger for "rizla". -Conspiring One for "fuck".
  16. for the mech battle... the "h" got a little cut off there but wahtever. edit: sorry about the ridiculous size, im using a bad image host site and i dont know how to change it.
  17. anyone up to a color piece battle with the word: "father"?
  18. Serpico with Al Pacino... ... a cop movie, but good nonetheless.
  19. i originally posted this in the strangest/craziest thing youve seen while bombing, but realized that it would probably be more relevant here... this isnt as strange or crazy as some of the other stories on here, but its still worth telling. one day, several months ago i carefully slid through the small hole in a chainlink fence topped with barbed wire, and stepped out onto the trash strewn ledge about a foot and a half below, where leafless trees grew next to the deteriorating brick wall of an old industrial building whose purpose i neither knew nor cared about. i then proceeded to walk down a narrow path winding from side to side down a short wall of natural rock and onto the train tracks below. from here, i quickly ducked into the shadow of an overpass to avoid being spotted by any passerby. surrounded by rusty shopping carts, dirty condoms, and some fresh, new silver graffiti, i surveyed the natural rock cliffs which lay to either side of the tracks. i was alone and without cans, on more or less of a "reconaissance" mission, to get photos and come back sometime in the near future to paint. after standing under the overpass for a few more minutes, i dashed out into the open, to the mouth of a tunnel lying a little more than half a football field away.even in broad daylight, the tunnel was still full of shadows and darkness, and i was more than a little eager to get out to the next stretch of fresh air not far ahead. as i walked i noticed an open doorway in the side of the tunnel, with a door made of rusting sheet metal. inside, was a stairway, inky blackness, and a strange odor. i decided id come back on my way out of the tunnel. after going some ways ahead, and deciding id had enough for the day, i came back and stopped by the doorway. i went inside a little bit to see if my lighter would make a dent against the darkness, but it was no use. instead, i decided to take a flash photograph, and see how it turned out when i got home. after taking several pictures of the stairs, i wandered a few feet away to take some more photos of whatever graff i had missed coming in. all of a sudden, a stout, clean looking man is standing behind me. i turn around, suprised, ready to make a run for it. i soon realize that he's homeless, but i never wouldve guessed. hes standing by the doorway, carrying a large yellow flashlight. we start talking about graffiti, and he tells me he writes "________" . he also informs me that he lives in the dark stairway i had seen(which turns out to be an old emergency exit), and had come to investigate the flash from my camera. he invites me to come see his "place" and at first im a bit hesitant. however, i decide to go, and with a firm hand on the switchblade in my pocket, i follow him into the darkness.even his flashlight barely penetrates the sheer blackness of this place. the steps feel wet under foot, and every now and then, my foot touches some unknown object. there is an odd stench, one not of homelessness, trash, and stale urine, but instead of something closer to ammonia and other strong cleaning detergents, which i find very strange. after ascending at least 6 flights of steps, we finally reach what appears to be an alcove at the top of the steps, which is at street level. next to it is another door, which is framed in daylight that shines through the cracks in the doorway. here, there is several mattresses on the floor, some clothing and other things. my guide introduces himself as _______, and tells me that he's been living here for 10 years, completely outside the confines of the government and society.the people who maintain the housing projects next to which this emergency exit is located bring him food and water in the morning and at night and turn on the lights in the exit when it gets to be too dark. he then tells me wild stories about his drug dealing friends, the prostitutes he knows, etc. at one point he pullls the covers off his mattress to expose two needles full of heroin. after more talking i tell him i have to be on my way, and he simply unlocks the door and lets me out into the street. i walk away feeling stunned. for ten years, hes been living in there, not having to work, pay taxes, and do all the other things which the ordinary citizen does. but at the same time, hes not living in the best of conditions, barely has enough to get by on, and is a drug addict. i wonder if by trying to escape the system, he has really become more of a victim. either way, he seems content. i have not been back to those tunnels since, and i wonder whether or not i will ever go again. probably, sometime this summer, i will find myself crawling through that hole once again, down the path, and onto the tracks...
  20. stolen from necro's website of all places: Necro all sake hyh.
  21. Oi Vei


    ^^ :yuck: better luck next time..
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