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screaming hand logo

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Everything posted by screaming hand logo

  1. so i was just reading something about george on a bus making fish in a microwave. i thought it would be a good idea to make a what to cook on your george forman grill. anyways ive had mine for like 6 months i mostly make grilled cheese sandwiches and burgers cause i dont know what to put on it.discuss! oh yeah add times and spices.
  2. sitting down on a chair in the shower? thats like old folk stuff
  3. oh man who ever said southpark wasnt good this season. what were you thinking
  4. get into a highspeed chase ive always wanted to either way if the world is gonna end or im to old im going out in a high speed chase
  5. i was watching bumfights presents terrorist and middle east wackos well like 5 minutes of it and they started clubbing kangaroos so i turned it off which has nothing to with this except theres kangaroos in australia
  6. i think its a little bit diffrent of a beat
  7. why would you want to ignore someone you might miss out on something vital to your survival
  8. super sik wid it^^^^ fuck new bay by the way that was the first thing to come to mind though
  9. your question if were assholes if we dont vote.
  10. i like when cartmen has to shit ohh man hahahaah
  11. now you can write a book called YOUR GIRLFRIEND MIGHT BE A PORN STAR IF......
  12. that pink guy has way more attachments then me
  13. all hip hop is trash these days all i listen to is my bay area shit pre 2000 is the best. fuck the new bay aka the pay area there on some weak shit but its okay.
  14. he gets shot by this plastic rounds they protect the embassyies with and they put him in a horse trailer with a cobra
  15. norht coast brewing company beer. blue star, scrimshaw, and red seal
  16. for sure!!!!! there use to be this kid mean he made an account to just talk shit. it was kinda lame. yeah
  17. this ten year old down the street from me committed suicide the other day that is sad. that kid must have been very unhappy at 10 to do that
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