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Everything posted by WhereEaglesDare

  1. CaCash, did you ever get my PM? Need that information on EELS and thee SKS edit: i can get that done for free Seeking. If you're ready to stop gunning for my E-blood i'll send you a bunch. maybe
  2. And i seriously doubt his ego is hurting on account of 90% of the people out there lining his shit out. I'd be worried about guys like Revok, Grime, Sever, etc..... but c'mon, he's laughing all the way to the bank on this one. I really odn't think he cares about johnny spray can in suburban Los Angeles hacking one of his wheatpastes
  3. Buff Monsters attitude may suck but what can i say....I like his visuals. "There's no such thing as bad publicity" couldn't ring more true than the dissing being done to this guy. Hey, I personally think it's funny he decided to shake things up and talk some trash. It's as satisfying as throwing rocks at a beehive and then dipping out. But let's face it.... - he's making scratch doing his thing - he probably gets a mad amount of pussy - Japanese desginers and other art types are flying this guy all over the world to do his thing. Three points about 90% of the graffiti community ever gets to accomplish. Maybe one or two at best but all three? Not likely. I'm nuetral on the guy. I like his work, don't care for the rock star attitude and laugh at all the egos he hurt. It's not my call to take up arms against him just because someone else told me to. What's thee point? And bump to those titties
  4. Imma wait until my hair is long enough for curlers before doing this so i can achieve maximum visual effect
  5. Hmmmm, I'll trade it for some flicks of your wifey in the shower ....naw Sneak, i kid. sorta If no one wants to buy it then yeah, consider yourself first in line
  6. ....has one of his spray cans nailed to a telephone pole near my work. I was thinking of taking a claw hammer and prying it off on my lunch break, then sell it on EBAY to make some money for the weekend, Thoughts?
  7. Man, i've been trying. I keep telling him "Dude, me and you need to dip to San Francisco some night, i'll take you out to some bars covered with the who's who of SF graffiti, we'll pick up on some girls, I'll treat you to booze...whadday say?" What all my other guy friends would say: "Hell yes!" What he says: "I'll have to see what's going on with my gf first"
  8. Impossible! Bill's gf is white and bitchy....the apothesis of everything i find unattractive about white girls as far as attitude and possessiveness goes. Bill has a thing for asian girls like I do. I think bringing an asian chick around would piss her off.
  9. c'mon man, you could have googled a better image for "trance"
  10. Be sure it's organic apple juice. And I could deal with all the side effects EXCEPT for the acne. I hate getting zits. It sounds like you're better off NOT doing this whacky ass diet
  11. I have a friend, we'll call him Bill....okay, cool. Anyways, Bill is a decent guy, we have good times hanging out, getting into trouble, hitting up bars, taco truck at 3 a.m. etc.... But he has a gf and this chick monoplizes dudes times like nobodies business. It's like he never has time to go out and do shit once she is off work. We'll be hanging out at his house and all of a sudden he gets a call.. "Oh dude, that was my gf. She's coming home soon so, yeah, you need to leave soon." I think that's kinda fucked up. I understand that a guy has to have time alone with his gf and I have never been one to overstay my welcome but c'mon here.....what fuckin' harm is it going to do anyone if she comes home and we all hang out for a bit? Is me being around for 10-15 minutes after she gets in the door going to affect their relationship? Does anyone else have a friend whose old lady hates all of his friends including you?
  12. too much pressure as a doctor. It's way too easy for a patient to sue for malpratice and all of a sudden ::poof!:: there goes your license and about 13 years of your life. Seriously, how about that cancer doctor that got busted on To Catch a Predator
  13. "We wouldn't haver been able to do this without GOD'S help" - Colts coach Is this insinuating the Bears made a deal with Satan?
  14. Re: ***THE HOS YOU KNOWS*** believe it or not
  15. seems like a thankless profession to me
  16. tease..... take it with a grain of salt you asked a highly personal question of us and for the most part we have not been assholes. if someone pokes some mild fun....roll with it. btw: "you're" and "too"
  17. that one pretty much summed up what happens anytike a half decent girt shows her face around 12oz
  18. the snickers ad!?!?!? they should have ended that ad with "NO HOMO"
  19. Sookigirl and i have a little $20 bet going Bears for lens Colts for Sooki
  20. ^^^ that's where patience comes in Tease. Just focus on paying off your debt and go out where you can...christ, you're still all kinds of young brother. There's lot's of time to meet new people.
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