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Everything posted by freakeenyc

  1. werd u take advice well ..dron..im feeling it more...other critz id have would be..maybe spacing out the lettera a tad bit..and stuff abt the 3d is awkward..ie..in the holes of the d and e...the right side dont have shadows.
  2. liks..look at other graffiti..they all have an outline that has a contrasting color...ur peice looks like its unfinished. because it doesnt have one
  3. at the least outline ur letter with a different color than wat u color inside.
  4. dron id say its way better.. u missed 3d on the holes of tehD and o... the right side of teh n gets thinner as you go from bottom to top..in general try to make sure the widthsare the same throughout also seems like the D and O are on a lil higher level then the R and N..
  5. erase the overlaps and make it so that they look contininous the bottom right of ur R is too thick..i think i could see an erased area of where it shoulda been..and the top right bent part of the N looks awkward
  6. keane did u use 3 different greys?
  7. ur going in a really good direction random hero....the more u work on that peice the better its gonna get...i think the weakest letter in there is the C.
  8. umm are u kidding?/nooffense
  9. riek im glad ur trying simples...but there are a lot of problems with that one...just to name one..the I is too long.. \
  10. freestyled this..3d at an angle is really annoying to get right..
  11. i do like teh throw as well
  12. haha i was abt to buy a huge power rangers poster the other day....for strict nostalgic purposes.:D
  13. recovering from a panic attack...its gonna be a really long week.
  14. LOL^ also fiddly i have no idea wat is going through ur mind.. lol decy optimist doesnt count...hes a prodigy props to any1 who can name 5 artists with more than 5 letters in their names
  15. dude i feel like u have mad letters in ur name...tahts sonthingh that can hinder personal progress..3-5 seems to be the golden number
  16. LOL dude i was abt to say thenazi thing.
  17. alts feelin it dude!... virtue..dont fret over it..every1 bites even unintentionally when they first start out.. i even rememeber trying to print out pic of peices and trying to replicate em exactly so i cud undertsand the artists thought processes..also just cite an influence if u ever have any cuz this is a graff forum. we will all know. anywyas practice pen sketches or watever if u dont have markers..dont worry 2 much abt coloring right now lol servicecamp.. i swear i dint read ur comment before posting..so similar ahha.
  18. man is born free and everywhere he is in chains -rousseau everything changes, but nothing is truly lost- (liked it cuz its a nicer way of speaking about the conservation of mass and energy)
  19. space out ur letters a lil more..theyr too overlapped?
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