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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. Posted these a few pages back ,did they not work? Some of the videos you guys are posting arent working for me..
  2. I was thinking this was the case.
  3. Like i kinda feel bad for laughing, but that fool got smashed and it’s hilarious.
  4. abrasivesaint


    If i’m not mistaken she was a reporter who caught a rubber bullet directly to the face and lost her eye.
  5. Ohhh baby that big cop yelling “what are you gonna do” boiled my fucking blood. Fucking coward.
  6. And the police aren’t under mob mentality? Or even worse, blindly following orders under a mob mentality? Dont half ass your statements with this “I’m not defending the policeman’s actions,” because you did just that. What you said is “well if he didn’t commit a petty crime he wouldn’t have been murdered.” (Well maybe if the little girl didn’t wear a tank top and short-shorts and look attractive to that pedophile he wouldn’t have raped her..) The logic is fucking nonsense. If the police didn’t commit an assault and wildly unjustified murder there wouldn’t be rioting across the country right now. It’s that simple. America still is the Wild West, but “justice” is only for a specific group of people. Cops, politicians, and rich folk commit crimes with impunity all the time. They are supposed to be the gold standard model citizen and yet many are criminals with a license to do as they please. This doesn’t have to be grand scale criminal activity. Something as simple as letting fellow cops slide with DUIs is a privilege not afforded to the rest of us. Sure every now and then a cop, a politician, or some rich twat goes down for a crime, but is it the system working? Or is it the system insuring it’s own crooked functionality by offering a sacrificial lamb? I’m standing by the latter.
  7. Trump wishes he was an old time captain of industry type dude so bad with this apparent “when the looting starts, the shooting starts,” type tweets. You know he wants to unleash some Pinkerton Thugs. I’m hearing rumors cops are lighting some of these fires as well.. Of course none of this means that there isn't real looting, or real fires being lit, people naturally capitalize on opportunity.
  8. I’m all for it. Especially when people organize and do things like pushing on police and showing the police how touchable they truly are by burning down that precinct. Fuck em. Felix Havoc of Havoc Records has been posting some good photos from Minneapolis. He made a post saying the general feeling from local businesses is they’re all for the protests they just dont want their homes and small businesses burned. It seems like the vast majority of buildings being targeted are corporate chains businesses.
  9. FullSizeRender.mov FullSizeRender.mov
  10. Thought i’d post this solo because it cracked me up.. the pooch in all his fucking glory at the Great Salt Lake.
  11. I do not pass through a city with Cheba Hut without stopping there, haha. I fucking love it.
  12. Been road tripping (see your day in pies,) had to add a quick little hour onto the trip to stop in Nacogdoches in the name of Blood Meridian.
  13. That looks like something you could spot Hunter S Thompson donning.
  14. Fuck! I can see that dude on the left in the first photo pulling the grenade off his neck and falling out of the tower.
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