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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. That’s what i’m saying though, it may not be the majority, but there were plenty of people trying to help themselves, that we just said “well, good luck” to. Clearly the few hundred people at the airport were trying to get the fuck out. I don’t believe that we are capable of protecting our own, the Brits, ect, and cant figure out how to get a few more people out of there. I can’t imagine the soldiers who fought side by side with some of these people are thrilled to hear that they have since been, or will be, rounded up and executed by the Taliban. I know i wouldn’t be. I’d be fucking furious right now.
  2. Except he had 4 years to do it, and was attempting to use it as a bargaining chip to keep his power. He added 4 additional years and continued the expenditure of tens of billions, to hundreds of billions, of dollars. Pulling out of Syria left the Kurds, our once upon a time allies in the Middle East, at the whim of Turkish forces, who immediately began bombing. Trump having business interests, Trump Tower, in Istanbul, to me, is clear conflict of interest. The Turkish regime benefitted from our severed ties with the Kurds, and i have a hard time imagining Trump didn't benefit from appeasing Erdogan. Trump can fuck off with his pseudo-righteous nonsense, haha.
  3. https://twitter.com/AsvakaNews/status/1427172720446373892?s=20
  4. For the first few years, sure, i’ll agree people probably didn’t understand what they were getting into. After that, every single person who enlisted knew what they were risking. This is the same argument pro-police proponents use when they’re complaining about how hard and risky a cop’s job is. How do you know that these people are ungrateful? Maybe those in power are, sure. It seems many civilians were happily accepting and adapting a more Western way of life. Many soldiers fought side by side with Westerners, sacrificing the same life and limb, and as we’re seeing now, also sacrificing the well being of their families. According to the Pentagon, about 2500 American soldiers have died in Afghanistan in 20 years. At least 66,000 Afghan police and military have died, 47,000 civilians.. i think they’re holding up their end. The civilians are not at fault for the cowardice of their “leaders”, nor for the ideas that our government sold them while their private interests profited off of them. The same ideas that many Americans buy into, to this very second, no matter how many times it’s proven that these ideas are propped up by corruption, self interest, and personal profit, at the cost of the lowly believers. Would you be willing and capable to bring the fight to an invading force if your local police and military tucked tail and ran? Or would you be doing what is in your “sphere of control” and try to get your family the fuck out of harms way? I think all of us would do the latter, at least initially. Yet again the American government and military invaded a foreign land, kicked over the hornets nests, and got tired of swatting away the bees, so it bailed in the middle of the night, leaving their allies to die. I’m tired of the lack of accountability. I’m tired of our government gladly accepting all the help and cannon fodder the world has to offer, then throwing out a “good game and good luck, sport!” as they skate away in the night. I agree, we shouldn’t have started this fucking disaster, but we did, and if i’m to be held accountable for my actions in a society, so should or government and our military. If 1 soldier decides a war is lost and bails, he’s charged with desertion, which is potentially punishable by death, and is looked at as a coward. When our government and military as a whole does it, it’s just the strategic cutting of loses. It’s bullshit. edit: listen i get it, and i know i can be an idealist and can have a bleeding heart, but i’m fucking disgusted by the way this was handled. It was cowardly, and it’s disgraceful.
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