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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. I’m paying attention plenty, and like i said, the only people i generally see truly pushing an anti-white narrative are the self proclaimed racists. On the internet there’s a lot lot of people pushing a whole lot of dumb ass shit. Nobody in the real world gives a shit about that, except the racists. Like what? I don’t apologize for being white, and my views are pretty out in the open around here. Feel free to point out where i did that. I don’t think this case was about race in regards to Rittenhouse and what he did. I have never participated in a BLM event, i have never given support to a BLM organization. What i have done is participate in anti-police brutality events. Kettle, meet black.
  2. The only people i generally see talking about “anti-white” are the straight up racists. The self proclaimed, neo-fascist, nationalist, racists. https://t.me/WhiteLivesMatterOfficial ..you’ll fit right in talking that nonsense, bub.
  3. Unrelated to Q, but the distance between that window and where JFK was shot is nowhere near as far away as i feel like it’s made out to be. If you believe that’s how it went down.
  4. 1.) suck my whole fucking ass with this shit bub 2.) Kyle Rittenhouse didnt know anything about these individuals, so he got lucky that one dude had pedo charges, doesnt change what led him to that situation. There was probably some dude in the twin towers that was a pedo as well. Let’s praise them as heroes becUse they got lucky, haha.. fucking dipshit. You’re a clown.
  5. You never cease to amaze me at the levels of absolute retard-ary you can achieve. 1.) He didn’t shoot up his school like it was Columbine, he was in a fight and pulled a gun. Not justified, but be clear with your words. Have some integrity. 2.) What’s the racism here? 3.) I don’t know about being “sand piled”, but this story is easily found. Maybe question your go to sources for information. ..Like jesus christ dude. You are the conservative equivalent of the leftists you constantly try to slam. Grow up for your Jesus’s sake. You’re making him cry.
  6. A Marine medic that i know has already had a conference with their local activists/protest medics on how to treat gunshot wounds in the field. People are fully expecting things to escalate from here on out.
  7. I think there’s going to be more fat slobs looking to shoot protestors under the guise of property protection, but call it what you will.
  8. Irrefutable facts. Scrolled through, can’t wait to read this, haha.
  9. https://www.northwestgeorgianews.com/rome/news/local/final-two-men-plead-guilty-to-their-part-of-a-neo-nazi-murder-plot/article_91b12738-495d-11ec-aaf3-678f102b0ac9.html
  10. Doing great, everything’s great. I’m going to make an American flag that has 50 Punisher skulls instead of stars and become the next billionaire off all these grown ass fat slobs who haven’t thrown a punch since middle school rambling on about guns and how hard this 17 year old boy gets them.
  11. https://www.espn.com/tennis/story/_/id/32656779/china-state-media-release-attributed-peng-shuai-raises-wta-concerns
  12. Who suggested that? Yup, also saw the police shoot dozens of “fireworks” themselves, but they’re called blast balls, and far more dangerous being propelled by a gun. You result to name calling and speculation because you’re arguments are uninformed (edit: i’ll say misinformed, not uninformed) and ill thought out. Good talk.
  13. Those were just off the top of my head of specific far-right/right vs far left/left violence. Not specific to deaths. Like 5 antifascists got stabbed by a neo-Nazi if i recall. I remember the professor thing as well. Uhh, news to me.. When and where? Y’all love placing any and all violence on “antifa”. Dude, come on.. you claim you followed this shit and then state shit like this. If you’re simply referring to all all groups that claim to be anti-fascist as “Antifa” you’re not being honest. It’s like calling Proud Boys the same as Hammer Skins, or Patriot Front, or whatever other dumb shit. 1.) It is unknown who the shooter of those 2 teens was. However, it is speculated that it was a member of the John Brown Gun Club, not “Antifa”. JBGC showed up after 2 other shootings that happened in CHAZ for “security” purposes. I have laid out much of the information about CHAZ and these situations throughout this forum. 2.) Numerous rapes and stabbings are news to me. Feel free to share links. However, lets be clear about the people who would be in CHAZ at night time. The protestors camping there.. then the homeless folks, addicts, general opportunity seeking criminals, and gang members providing drugs were why there was increased violence among the inhabitants. It was a MUCH different crowd at night. The more time went on, the worse it got. Volunteer medics stopped coming, protestors stopped coming, it’s when everything crumbled. This wasn’t simply an “antifa” camp out. There was a lot of factors, a lot of people capitalizing on the opportunity and free real estate. Seattle PD was very violent, and often attacked protestors unprovoked. I know because i was there, i’m not getting this from my favorite news source. I saw it with my own eyes. It was a show of force. The police were in charge of that block the entire time they were there. They’re also IN RIOT GEAR, meanwhile shooting some dude in the fucking eye with a “less lethal round”, causing blindness and maiming people. So i’m not to concerned that their shield or helmet got a scuff mark from a water bottle or something. Again, this was just off the top of my head. Plenty of footage of Proud Boys beating people up, pulling guns, ect.. That guy in LA that stabbed the woman that was trying to help him..
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