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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. I read this when you posted it and meant to respond and forgot, then it fell into the void until i went to post that podcast link. I caught that as well. I’m assuming it was a slip of the tongue, maybe, but i understand the issue with it. I think there’s still valuable information in the video. You are entirely correct on supply and demand, and i don’t disagree with your comment about flooding money while simultaneously decreasing supply adding to increases. I would agree, pretty basic.
  2. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/megacorp/id1596777564 Cool Zone Media is a goofy as fuck name from Portland folks, but the dude actually doing the podcast is the same guy from Popular Front.
  3. abrasivesaint


    For the record, the use of the word “merely” here is fucking goofy.
  4. I think you are largely overshooting the true motives. The motives that are always drowned out in the bullshit theories. The same motives that were drowned out in theories surrounding the wars in the Middle East post-9/11. The same motives that drive every single move in for-profit, corporate American arenas. Money.
  5. Not entirely inaccurate, haha. However, not entirely accurate either.
  6. I don’t think it’s solely a “personal agenda”, as it is probably considered a win for EV, and big win for Bidens. Same as Saudis staying in Trump hotels and then getting a major arms deal.
  7. A bunch of fucking kid touching pedos should all get the pavement temp che… Oh Trump’s on the list? FAKE NEWS.
  8. So what’s the timeline on this? When can i expect my unexpected death by vaccine?
  9. abrasivesaint


    Whoever that guy is, he looks like an absolute fucking dweeb. edit: the guy with the commentary that i listened to for 4 seconds.
  10. Dude with the gun should have been more of a man and not went for his gun because the father of his lady’s kid was a nuisance. He’s a coward.
  11. I just thought it was funny and as ridiculous as your claim was, except his statement was meant for a chuckle. I don’t know any specific theory outlines because i have better shit to do, like argue on 12oz, but a depopulation theory through vaccines is ridiculous. There’s a lot easier ways to kill millions of people. Like letting a deadly virus spread without a vaccine.
  12. In true fashion, it’ll crash directly into an alien wedding, killing on the women and children.
  13. This thing’s going to slam into a distant planet in we’re going to get America’d by a bunch of aliens.
  14. True, but Bill Burr openly admits that he’s a fucking moron.
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