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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. both those shoes look ill, i actually need to grab a new pair sometime soon come to think of it.
  2. i've been trying to tell people that the adidas' i've owned have been the best skate shoes i've ever had, im starting to see more and more kids rocking them.
  3. was trying to fakie nosegrind this ramp yesterday and ate it pretty good, also tore down to my bone on my ankle a couple weeks back trying to hurricane this ledge, the kingpin caught me right on the ball of my ankle and tore it to shit. tyler bledsoe - AWS b-roll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcGseFKSwKA that kid is fuckin amazing.... front hurricane kickflip to fakie that back tail at 1:10 bs smith bs 360 switch frontlip to regular noseblunt god damn..
  4. haha ya i hear that, this dudes gonna make a good Billy Mays to, kinda looks like him, last year the same kid went as Hunter S. Thompson as is in Fear and Loathing, i didnt get to see it, but i heard hes holding down the gold medal for best costume ever so far.
  5. friends lies and the end of the world, and open roads and broken dreams are the other 2 cds, and they're fuckin awesome as well.
  6. haha lots of good ones, i think im gonna try and steal that point blank idea.. i think im actually gonna dress up and head up to Salem this year, should be a good one. i already know one of my buddies is going as billy mays with booze in oxi clean bottles.
  7. i dunno shit about NYC but someone i know out there recently posted this up elsewhere... NEW VENUE IN BROOKLYN: 659 Lounge 659 Flushing Ave Incendiary, Suburban Scum, Convicted, Harms Way, Alpha + Omega, Pharaoh, Fleshtemple, Thriller, The Banner, and Lewd Acts have all gigged 659 this past month. Upcoming shows - Product of Waste 10/2, Degenerics 10/11, Surroundings 11/11 Get in touch for booking // show info // etc...
  8. hahahaha, that cop was awesome, needs to be more dudes like that patrolling. "Bullshit that was gonna be your last try, it was once you saw my ass, its 330 in the morning how long yall bitches been out here anyways?"
  9. ya it was awesome to see them, i'd say they played a lot of their good songs, but all their songs are good ones.
  10. i dont get it... in other news, ringworm killed it yesterday, even the cops there were watching them with smiles on their faces. spent way more money than i should have, reach the sky was good too.
  11. ya those steveie williams videos were awesome
  12. that kyle kid was good. i didnt realize axion was still around either.. not to often anymore do you find a good part with music that doesnt make you wanna hang yourself.
  13. went on a little trip last night, long story short after some weed intake and a 750 of jim beam black between 2 of us we decided it would be a great idea to take my boys cousins mo ped and get towed around,.. right up until my buddy fell with no shirt on and got some of the worst road rash i've ever seen, we were about to super glue his head together in 2 spots but we decided against it and let him bleed for a bit and see what happened, turned out to be ok, but it was a hell of a spill. i had the mo ped pinned, so we were going however fast that thing maxs out at, so probably about 35-40 mph. i looked back and the dude was on his shoulders, feet straight in the air grinding across the ground for about 4 ft before he flipped over and tumbled a couple more feet, one of the funniest and craziest falls i've seen in a long time, dude got fucked up... ill try and get flicks tomorrow.
  14. ya they were both prepared for each other, neither one was going down easy.
  15. Cory Kennedy vs. Greg Lutzka http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmmHRzvz7S4 quick, but good.
  16. never even heard em. one of those bands where the name alone deterred me.
  17. got myself a new board today, grabbed a anti hero, already liking it and am pumped as hell cause my last board was chipped to shit.
  18. Innes is still a company? no shit. something was definitely working against me yesterday, i slammed the ground atleast 12 times, slid out probably about 4 times and fell on my face, rolled my ankle and sprained my thumb... won't stop me though i'll be skating today. i was skating the other day during Kennedys funeral and saw Obamas helicopter fly right over my head, shit was so low i probably could have hit it with a rock. regardless i was skating and these dudes showed up, within the first couple minutes one of the dude did a shove it bs crooked pivot to switch 5-0, then one of his buddies did a tre flip 5-0. it was pretty sick, they seemed like douchebags though, and i was to busy trying to hurricane shit.
  19. haha i hate when you bail and then land back on your board. i was trying to fakie 360 shoveit the top of a box the other day and went to bail and came closer to landing it than i did bailing it and face planted like that kid.
  20. im definitely grown into skating in shorts, the only differnce i've noticed is you notice when you get smacked in the shins/ankles a lot more
  21. soem cool shit, kinda bummed me out the dude had a whole skatepark and only skated a flat box, but to each his own i suppose.
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