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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. couple dudes from around the way. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Hn3531lBPE some of the parts dont really show how gnarly some of those dudes actually get. that dude nichols can be a savage, dude dug a 8 ft pool by himself in the middle of the woods, only to have someone buy the property and fill it in on him. dude also skated 20 miles to skate a pool in the dark at 3am.. and left the pool with his face mangled to shit from falling face first into the coping. that noseslide at the end of that manny snatiago part is a lot scarier than it looks, the other side of that ledge is a pretty large drop, its refered to as death ledge.
  2. ya that was nice of you. mindvapors, FYI all the good ledges up and down the greenway have been knobbed, found that out last night, they didnt even put on like the crappy knobs you can pop off, they put in those like sheets of metal in between the cracks.. shits horrible. there goes another good skate spot.
  3. bastien salabanzi has got one of the nicest kickflip front boards i've ever seen. smooth as a babys bottom! /no pedo. the one at the end of that sorry part is a great example.
  4. rock-3flip to fakie.... que?>? my brain hurts...
  5. well... rodney mullen just got showed up by little kids.
  6. 3 does look very fun. they should buck up and just make all 3.
  7. i think i'd have to go with park 1 on there as well... maybe 2. they're both the best looking overall. my buddy just got that knox board for a cruiser for $30, pretty sweet.. i like the shape a lot
  8. saw it last night and it wasnt anything special. if someone was to ask if i'd recommend it i'd probably say, eh...
  9. these were alright.. only thing about armored is the storys kinda got a foolish horror movie person kinda writing.. meaning everythings for show, and instead of running out the front door they run upstairs or instead of just killing the person when given the chance, they run.. still didnt mind watching it though.
  10. ya thats one of the best videos i've seen in a bit, where that dude from?
  11. ya my buddy was showing me a teaser of that the other day, looks real good. that back tail bledsoe did was fuckin ridiculous. heres the teaser. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_NkJ929SZA&feature=fvst
  12. its pretty solid. usually best at night. some of the ledges have chunks missing here or there but you can speed right over them. weekends and shit it can get crowded and its across the street from a jail too and theres always cops about. 9/10 its cool, but there was a shitload of kids last time and motorcycle cops came down and started handing out $100 tickets. we found that out later though cause we took off running haha. dudes in the jail started yelling RUN MUTHA FUCKAS! DONT END UP IN HERE NIGGA! so that was kinda funny. person i havent been to the wharf in so long, place used to be fun though. the landing off that ledge/manual pad is horrible ha. everytime i've been there recently there was a cop sitting smack in the middle of the place though. that place the greenway is right down the street and much better, more different sized ledges and shit. edit: celt pretty much hit the nail on dollin, dudes amazing but those shoes are horrible. i think i skated them once and that was it ha.
  13. cartalk, are you mistaking eggs for turtles? or am i just confused? this is eggs..
  14. ya i've actually seen a video of that bowl i think, i forget who was skating it. never been to it though.
  15. theres Eggs, sometimes it can be crowded and sometimes cops swing through, but more often than not its fine to skate. theres a few ledges and a ollie up 2 set thats good to manual near the aquarium right on atlantic ave i think.. theres a few ledges and shit up and down that whole little walking area they built in the middle of the street.. i still skate copley at night every so often, and around the jackson mann has a couple decent spots.. financial district is all but dead, they've removed or knobbed almost every decent ledge that was there. roxbury and dorchester seem to be where its at for stairs/gaps/rails and shit of the larger nature, its just all hiding on the back streets and shit. but more often than not i find myself driving to skateparks or we end up driving to east bumfuck to some random spot we've heard of through the grape vine. i'll try to rack my brain for a few others though..
  16. i used to get a line or 2 here and there.. lately i've just been taking a screw driver and scrapping a line on the tail. never got too crazy though. busted my knee yesterday, kept skating, woke up this morning and it took me like 30 minutes to stand up.. shit sucks.
  17. ya Charlestowns got some nice hills too, apparently this happened in Everett. theres a hill in Medford thats between the train station and the high school i used to bomb a lot as a kid and you blasted right through a stop sign, i must have gone through that thing about 30+ times and never once got hit by a car... very lucky. edit: 5,000 post, im glad it was in the skateboard thread.. yeaaaah.
  18. i thought the same thing originally.
  19. for anyone in boston or around... apparently the story behind this dude Reda is he was bombing a hill late at night, had a green light so he bombed the intersection, i guess there was a cop answering a shooting call and he blew the light and hit the dude right in the middle of the intersection and killed him.. atleast thats what i was told. rest easy man.
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