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Everything posted by abrasivesaint

  1. Breaking News: Tesla Model 3 owner loses arm in car jacking.
  2. abrasivesaint


    I think we’re slowly seeing more cops being held accountable. With smartphones in everyone’s hands its hard to deny it sometimes, obviously they also still find a way sometimes. There’s laws that can make an arrest real screwy to protect the cops as well. For instance, carrying some knives is not illegal in MA. However, carrying a knife while disturbing the peace or being arrested is (technically it’s carrying anything perceived as dangerous)... so you’re out there yelling at cars about the alien invasion and a cop stops you, boom, weapons charge, on top of whatever else obviously. Most of us know how that plays out. You get hit with 3-4 charges, you have a shitty lawyer, you plead out and they drop all but one charge and have a nice day. Probation, fines and fees, Merry Christmas.
  3. abrasivesaint


    i like the conversation just fine, bad cops aren't going anywhere, ha.
  4. Anytime you want to i am responding to Raven. Don't sit there and try tell me who i can and can't address, haha.
  5. whats so funny there @Kults? Raven said shouldn't: someone be held accountable for their failures, yes 100% Wouldnt it stand to reason that if this played out as we're being told and he wasn't killed off they would have eyes on him 24/7 to avoid looking like murderers, yes 100% ... I don't see the comedy there. but they didn't watch over him 24/7 and he's dead, so either her was killed, or he took the opportunity to go out on his own terms..
  6. what goal post was that exactly? because i've addressed everything you've asked me to edit: you on the other hand, have not.
  7. See what's being mistaken here is an assumption that I (i'm not speaking for any other posters) don't believe in conspiracies. I most certainly do. The difference is, i don't believe 8chan forums and more than i do mainstream media.
  8. nice edit, and i've never dodged anything you've thrown my way. QUOTE WHERE I EXPLICITLY HAVE.
  9. the below statement is in relation to the above statement. @Kults That's good enough for me. Just like this magical evidence you've seen is good enough for you.
  10. If i'm not mistaken many people looked into this including the ACLU and they found they technically didn't break the law, as there was some law allowing them to do so under exigent circumstances.
  11. I'm very aware of many conspiracies that have gone down throughout US history. This sure as hell stinks to high heaven. But Kultsy over here is claiming he has evidence to prove he was murdered and refuses to share it. That is also called being fed a line of bullshit. Just because conspiracies do happened, doesn't mean everything is a conspiracy, like some people like to believe. Is it not also possible that Epstein, realizing his current situation, or being reminded of his situation, realized he probably wasn't walking away from this one. Clearly given the opportunity, decided: I'm not walking away from this. Either they'll kill me or someone else will. I know what happens to pedos in jail.. fuck it, i'm going out on my terms.
  12. @KultsYou are the 12oz Alex Jones. You generally make wild claims and don't support them, save for vague information you read on 8chan, and then tell us all to look it up ourselves. Not saying you're never right, but.. You act like there's some incredibly top secret evidence only your eyes have seen, but the problem is, if you had seen it, why wouldn't you be just as dead as Epstein? How many people have also seen this "evidence"? Why would the people not involved in this conspiracy not take you all out? It's harder to kill some high level dude in a jail cell than it is to kill a bunch of conspiracy nuts. My guess, it's unfounded.
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