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Everything posted by dumy

  1. porkchop.. most dogs with proper socialization will not hunt cats and shit..esp smarter breeds like pits and shit..
  2. yeah, dogs (just like cats) have strong predatory instincts..with proper training they can be taught to supress these instincts and be good citizens or whatever..but some breeds without proper socialization will take down a cat, smaller dog or running or crying child with the quickness..
  3. dumy


    pretty fresh..
  4. the fuck?..is that photoshop?..prove yo'self
  5. She said rap, not hip hop, difference.... Quoted post [/b] please..please please..I don't want to get into this debate..its the same shit....
  6. I don't know..most rap shows I go to..if its a one man act ..its usually the just the mc..MAYBE a hype man/dj...and that's it..and if its a group then thats it..I saw lyrics born about 2 months ago..DOPE.I saw Saigon not too long ago..FRESH AS FUCK..dude got some sick rhymes...I saw Sage Francis about 3 months ago..DOPE..I saw GZA not too long ago..SIIICK.. all good shows without a hundred mufuckers on stage or whatever...
  7. hahhaa..thats not always true..not by a long shot..some of the illest concerts I've been to have been hip hop shows..and ghost is the truth..
  8. yo cacash..send me that shit through the myspizzle..
  9. one time Len's drove to porkchop's house saw bullet holes from aforementioned drive by said "HOLY SHIT..." and skirted the fuck off like the shit was still happening..
  10. which one is the spotted one? Forgive my ignorance..
  11. consider the jihad in full effect..
  12. when I strike it rich and don't have to work so much so I actually have enough time to devote to a pet I will get either.. or or damn..
  13. Porkchop, you're so hip hop.. Len's I know..throw in a back massage and shit is like heaven.. my weekend went by hella fast..and was filled with meetings, work, filming and craziness..it culminated with me and my boys chasing down a crackhead after she stole my homies iPod out of his ride..we got that on film too..
  14. annatolian shepards..I love this breed..I take care of one for a family friend occasionally, the dogs name is Zora, I get to see her tomorrow..probably go up to North Ga. This weekend and take her for hiking and camping..
  15. that fucking sucks mams..i'm sorry my dude..
  16. Pigs copped afadavits after we left the gun show So we hopped flights to get lost in paradise like Don Ho come close? to the almighty KB? never that catching cats, with clever raps Knightbat jesus pieces hang low when we blessin tracks..
  17. bump for the kb familia.. when we gonna have a gettogether?..12:02 is coming through in July..any other niggas wanna get together?..we can call it "A Day In the Sun" paint some pieces..grill out..smoke some reefer
  18. yeah, seriously..this country is going down the fucking shitter..WE WILL see the decline of the US economy and global influence in our lifetimes..
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