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Everything posted by dumy

  1. hey my iBook is behaving perfectly fine and hasn't crashed since..well, ever.. what gives? also, what is teh spyware?
  2. yeah, its about time for some new shit.. anyways.I'm going home to my blonde haired wifey and the kids..see ya soon bats..
  4. ^^DAMN THAT WOULD BE WACK ..wait, clean trains?
  5. oh and iloveboxcars is a bitch! Quoted post aww, you love me. Quoted post [/b]
  6. Wow. Well, I guess it makes sense for this thread to be gay.
  7. peace out bats, I'm going to bed..I see you iquit
  8. Yeah she's a hottie now.. when's the next KB REUNION/GETTOGETHER?..I'm thinking us bats need to hook up in the physical if we're gonna take it too the next level..
  9. bump for the new days..the bats are back like they never left..you got me, grimematic, that fool 8onus and a couple of other heads that'll hold the torch until the old heads come home..
  10. Take the quiz: Which Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle are You? Leonardo You're mature and get the job done. You are a natural born leader, and normally want to be the better of the group. You take your job seriously. You must! It may NOT be a game. When you select a sport, or something you want to do, you train continueously, constantly trying to perfect it. You're always prepared for a challenge, and are normally found one step ahead of your enemies. Loving family more than life itself, you are a good friend, and can be depended on at all times.
  11. zoo york boards reviewed on rate it all dot com whatup goocher..
  12. I miss the 'bats...niggas are dropping left and right.. FREE DETO FREE 8ONUS FREE CASEK
  13. or people who say one thing online and another thing offline..but thats a whole nother conversation
  14. hey man, I hear you and really it's not that serious, the internet isn't that serious and 12oz isn't that serious, but politics are lame regardless of the context, the fact that all this started over a myspace bulletin is ridiculous and speaks tons for the absurdity of the whole situation. I wish things could have been handled better, and that shit never got to this point. I like channel zero and this site in general but you can't claim to foster a community on one hand and discount them and their opinions in the same breath. whatever, I'll keep posting if it's interesting, I just can't waste my time with BS.
  15. ive noticed Quoted post [/b] really, outlaws on the ounce...I personally think it's fucked up 8onus got banned, its a fucking FORUM I know 12oz isn't a democracy, but the forums should still be a place where you can express your own opinion and contribute based upon your own ideas and prespective, otherwise whats the point?
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