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Everything posted by dumy

  1. I wonder whats going to happen to this thread now..since casek got banned
  2. just got back from the fam's house..I DON'T EVER WANT KIDS..LITTLE BASTARDS.. anwyays..hope all the 'bats had a good thanksgiving.. edit: ok, maybe when i'm like 36 or something, kids then..
  4. it was just another funny thread to pass the time (channel 0 is filled with them) that apparently pissed enough people off to cause a bunch of uneccessary drama and resulted in Big Deets getting banned.
  5. haha..seriously..the best post on this page
  6. damn, too true..I'm having home issues as well my dude..I need two (count 'em, two!) new roomates by Jan 1st..cuz my old ones are skating cuz they're yuppie toys.. oh yeah, 8onus Transitive verb berate To rate or chide vehemently; to scold or lecture. His mother berated him for dropping her favorite plant. Adjective extraneous Not belonging to, or dependent upon, a thing; without or beyond a thing; not essential or intrinsic; foreign; as, to separate gold from extraneous matter. boom... check the official hip hop battling rap thread..i'm gonna drop a verse
  7. oh yeah, I'm getting berated by extraneous family at my sisters house...
  8. so why was onesec able to make racist remarks..and get banned for a week.. and deto make a bulletin on myspace and a thread on 12oz about "team handsome" and lose all priveldges to post under his chosen screen name whatsoever..
  9. I think its game over for deto..He either said fuck 12oz in a post or in a myspace bulletin or both so he's gone..
  10. dude, i'm just going off of the tone of the convo started by Kabar..dont' get your panties in a bunch..i'm just saying there was no uproar when the ORIGINAL inhabitants of australia were uprooted when the europeans came..so why now..
  11. haha..don't let them take the land from the white people...just like the white people did to the aborigines..I mean that would be "wrong".. haha..kabar you crack me up sometimes..
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