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Everything posted by dumy

  1. "come and save him Jesus.. Place him back in time before the Reaganomics and Addidas" stuck in my head all day..
  2. drunk already, going out later..shit should be interesting..
  3. fuck ego maniacs and corny cats on the message board, who think they too hard for the message board, but still on the message board.. ^0^ "Hit me on the myspace, why hate"
  4. this is where I do the whole edit thing cuz of the double postage..
  5. aaahahaha..nigga, you stupid.. yo 8onus you got myspace?..hit me up on the pm
  6. KB BACK IN THE BUILDING..whatsup Bat's any one around or out enjoying the holiday?
  7. Yeah they are definitely trying to capatalize on the consumer appeal of iTunes especially with the new additions such as "gifting, etc" in iTunes 6. Overall, while this latest update may not have been the most innovative it was definately pratical from a business standpoint. file sharings awesome..
  8. ^^I haven't been t any major wrestling event since middle school, bet it was intense...
  9. damn, I didn't know it was like that..sheesh.
  10. she's been doing a gang of school work and shit..she's been on aim though..
  11. dumy


    what are these called? fucking fresh
  12. Casek, Have you peeped Steve Jobs Latest Keynote Speech? Are you excited about it? iPod Video's iTunes 6, iMacs: thinner, and with iSight already installed..and the new remote that syncs your iMac with your Television.. awesome..
  13. KB whatup..i am a total fuck up sometimes..argghh
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