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Everything posted by xen

  1. searched thrash grass and was not disappointed.
  2. It's still smoldering but at the height, her in Tucson was a hell of a thing. I feel ya. Still have't been touched by corona at all, so there's that. Hope everything worked/s out man.
  3. Met this cat at a bar on the road and he asked for a ride home. Didn't have shit else to do so I agreed, having been in a similar spot. We get there and everyone is coming off of meth and passing the hat. Being the new guy and smelling death, I throw 20 in because they were getting it one way or another. They give me a bag of dope, which also suprised me but they are inside right now and I am killing ttime til I can get the fuck out of here. @where
  4. I swear I am just going to come up MIA one day and no one would bat an eye.
  5. I forgot how to read the room. Sitting at a tweaker pad and felt compelled to kick on the cause because it already smells like a decomposing body out here. I knew meth was worthless but my $20 got me a teener I didn't want or could ever do. Cool sunset tho.
  6. Seriously considering hitting the Slabs. Got a hunnerd bucks, a tank of gas and bad ideas. Anyone in Tucson ready to bug out, leaving at 6 in the AM.
  7. /kill @e[type=protesters]
  8. This has something for everyone. Spoiler: Man grabs a fish off the floor, emulsifies it with a drill, stuffs it full of popcorn, sets his toilet on fire and tries to grill the fish over it before destroying it all by dumping salt over everything, then throwing the resulting mess on a sidewalk, all while dance music about autism plays.
  9. It has been 1 year today since my mom died and probably gonna be rough
  10. ripsave - The way he opens the can.mp4
  11. Ran a new service entrance, 3 kitchen circuits, didn't electrocute myself or anyone nearby, and it passed inspection despite being a couple of years since I have done any residential wiring.
  12. Not dead yet. 1st album I got from BMG Music Club and I still intend on paying them for.
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