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Ko SprueOne

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Everything posted by Ko SprueOne

  1. @SMdoubleXLMore about those nails. Did you hand paint every detail or did you print and create decals then paint details into the decals? or what? Those are very nice!
  2. 1/24 scale model kit of @One Man Banned
  3. originals broken or were the acrylic shell turning 'white'?
  4. ... and so the experiment begins. We ripen avocado and bananas* like that but in a paper bag. I never knew how it worked but your explanation is useful insight. * kept misspelling 'bananas' approx. 8 times while typing this, FYI
  5. Dude looks more like the dude from Tool Guy or Norm or whatever that TV show was. Not Al Bundy tho
  6. Reacted LOL! then the details and so Props.
  7. We're eating Guava from our tree on the daily
  8. We haven't carved pumpkins since the kids grown. We have two foam prop pumpkins with a small lamp in each that plugs in to 110AC. One of them doesn't work anymore so I place a battery operated flickering candle inside of it. I'll take pictures of them tonight and post here. We've had these two same ones for several years now. They never rot
  9. Black Belt skills man. Have any of your clients been model kit companies for their box art?
  10. OMB, 'keepin it real, uh... dawg'
  11. Haha, props to your daughter. Cool that you're her father so she'll get all the support and confidence to build and create.
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