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Juan Fuentes

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Everything posted by Juan Fuentes

  1. by saying Chavez is not all good could mean two things. good as in perfect and good as in good intentions with his power. i know Chavez is doing everything to help bring a new thing to the region. it's not greed. he could be more secured and more wealthy if he would stick to Washington's agenda. the man certainly is on the other side. that he has defects, yes, and the opposition media concentrate on that to drive people away from anything related to him, plus the lying and inciting people like always. after all, today Venezuela is at peace and not civil war with people shouting "fraud" in the streets.
  2. executives.... sitting in a office working for a corrupt corporation lying to people, trying to convince people to accept scams. what a sad end they earn. i see them as materialistic beasts who consciously know what they do, but they maintain a double mentality to carry on with their own pathetic lives. they know what kind of evil they support. "but i need the money :( ahhhhhh"
  3. the next superpower will be a system, not a country. a system where we all benefit and live in peace. and no, it is not the new world order. too bad for you(you as in whoever wants to be "you")
  4. the results surprised me. it surprised many people on Venezuela. the number of people on the Chavez side is way more than the opposition, but they weren't aware of the reform and that's why many didn't vote. the country wasn't prepared, so after all it was a good thing that it didn't get approved, although i would have voted yes, the results don't push me down because is what God willed. now the good part is that this will bring great task for Venezuelans to take people out of power who many of them are on lazy-mode. Venezuelans always said Chavez is surrounded by a bunch of indecisive, ignorant people. the PSUV is also full of disorganized people. and because of the voting results will make Venezuelans make a tune up to their machine. plus Chavez still has the power till 2013, so God willing he will stay alive all those years to move his country forward creating conscience. he is very intelligent, also did a lot to explain the reform himself. ____________ I'm thinking....will the opposition would want to bring the other articles that they liked? that would be a smart move from them because it will make their hearts a little closer to the revolution(it's their manipulated emotions or/and anti-social behavior that pushed them away), but that would be half of the opposition, about the other half would still obey higher orders. ____________ time will tell.
  5. that's the animal part of men. animals do it by instinct. one of the reasons some humans still have 5+ babies per couple is that instinct is still in them a little. the sooner the better, we must understand making a whole bunch of babies is getting out of hand lately.
  6. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhahahaahhahaahhahhaahahahaaaaahahhahhh plastering! hahahaaaaaaa
  7. yes! he is doing very well money wise. over 10 M he also have been doing well on straw polls. http://www.ronpaul2008.com/straw-poll-results/ i see a lot of 1s there...
  8. the stats are the stats and you are wrong about them, you didn't read them well. CNN is not trying to get him murdered, it is not so black and white like you see it. you cant think freely so you would never understand how the new world order operates. i read the new york times article. it doesn't raise any questions, it is just speculation and lies. Sunday people are voting YES. and YES is winning. that's a lot of people, not the picture up there you showed with a really low angle of shooting. no doubt it looks packed. how they say... patria , socialismo o muerte , venceremos!
  9. yeah and they didn't forget about doing this... download the short video here, the pacifist students showing their peace. http://www.aporrea.org/oposicion/n105549.html <------ for 8 seconds it aired by "mistake"(you all would love that Chavez gets killed, come on say it) "who killed him" DONT EVEN TRY IT
  10. hahahahahahahaha http://www.aporrea.org/actualidad/n105564.html
  11. but i wasn't referring to that film.(also,i haven't seen it yet) i was just naming EVENTS that happened around and in 911 that should make you want to go and research. then you'll find 2 sides. and "911 movement" is one of them. now, what is was trying to say was that: there is one part of the people who know 911 was an inside job which not all of the whole "movement" agree with, because of this "movement syndrome" that is guided by Alex Jones and the loose change kids which are like the "leaders" of this "movement". they are saying the other part of 911 truth it's to discredit the "movement" and it is done by people paid by the CIA. i used to admire these people like Alex Jones and loose change guys because of their work to the point i was being distracted from what other people was saying about the "no-plane theory". but months after i denied, and talked rubbish of them because i was still inside this "movement syndrome" i was able to accept it after looking at them closely and taking my time to see all the footage and the evidence showing. it seems nuts for even 911 truthers because they think it is going to hurt their "movement" but the thing is that the evidence showing this lie hits the nwo in its heart, right at the center of all complicity. the MEDIA. if you haven't accepted 911 was an inside job, you will never accept the were no planes hitting WTC1 and WTC2. i dont want to post videos that you wont want to look at, but if want ill show you, short ones, i know no one likes to be bothered with long documentaries. I'll give you a task though so maybe this motivates you to looking into the evidence i could give you...the task is: get me a video of the first stike other than the famous "naudet brothers" first strike video... new york, usa...cameras everywhere, of course pointing at the WTC1 & 2, plus you know TV stations have cameras pointing at them from tall building to show the towers when they go to commercials or when showing weather...come on, you should find something!
  12. solving conflicts must always be dealt with non-violent ways. the wars and death sentences are for people who cant and will not compromise anything through a peaceful way. with them oneself cant solve the problem talking, and when that happens to you it will happen to anyone that person deals with, making them a thread to human life and action must be taken.
  13. i got you the stats http://www.ine.gov.ve/tripticos/menuboletines.asp read them check out the videos i previously posted read the referendum watch Venezuelan TV on youtube think for yourself, be skeptical, see the connections learn more about the bolivarian revolution and then rethink what you are talking about because you are way off. really, i tried to educate you on the revolution but you only came back with sarcasm, jokes, pessimism, nwo owned sources and a great ignorance of the situation and history in Venezuela and in Latin America. I'll probably post after December 2nd to update on some news. make sure to pay more attention to it, start from the bottom up, dont think reviews will tell you all about what is happening, it takes time.
  14. the christmas plays are suggested by the school's staff not the kids. kids should chose what they want to act out on a play, after all they are up there doing the job.
  15. Juan Fuentes

    robocop is real

    they can also make it autonomous... imagine getting killed in a war by a fat kid full of acne sitting on a couch with an Xbox controller controlling the robot. that would suck... there are plans for that, of course.
  16. iron sold to china shortly after the attack bush lies he saw first strike before going in the classroom WTC6 & WTC5 don't collapse, WTC7 falls at the speed of gravity reports of explosions in the basement levels before 1st impact(more than one witness) no pentagon video(film) shown to the public pulverization of concrete huge explosion video with a guy talking in a public phone in front of the towers bush and cheney together testify in front of the 911 commission, in secret any of those facts makes you think twice, then you go on for research. you find 2 sides. the official/media approved/19 hijackers version or the the other side. finding out 911 was an inside job is not salvation from hell or 10 extra pokemons. there is more to know about 911, but you have to shut down the "movement syndrome" to discover it. i used to have that "movement syndrome" and i wasn't able to see the most important part of 911.
  17. PROZAC is in a way a beginning of that^ technology in the wrong hands can make your worst nightmare a reality. speculate the worst, they have it planned.
  18. stats i cant seem to find yet, but i have something better. i got some links, and videos, showing you, which you can verify. of course charts are good, but they also can be exaggerated. you have to follow the process in Venezuela to know there is a change, if you dont know it's because you get your news from the nwo's owned news agencies who focus in all the negatives and baseless insults filled with fear mongering speculation. _______________________ Mision Barrio Adentro. wiki article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mission_Barrio_Adentro (ENGLISH) also MISION VIVIENDA Y HABITAT is the creation of houses(the price depends on your income) that it is given to the poorest of the people. a video with some images of the villages the revolution has created: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFZKuKjf700 Mission Robinson: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mission_Robinson (ENGLISH) The program uses volunteers to teach reading, writing, and arithmetic to the more than 1.5 million Venezuelan adults who were illiterate prior to Chávez's election to the presidency in 1999. and they not only apply that in Venezuela, they helped other Latin American countries. another great video full of achievements http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4D13cDCNkjk dont want to bomb you with links and videos. you should research it yourself.
  19. i never knew you were waiting for the stats, i must have missed it. i'll see what i can do about it. narrow minded are you for me, and im narrow minded for you. it will never end if we rant about it. please dont try it, i wont read it, it's a waste of time for you and me. of course the CIA been helping the drug business, or you believe them? you see, we have a problem there...... dont have to know 100% about something to know that something takes place in reality. that explains the pointless life some of us have. sometimes i wonder the day you find out, would you think it was all luck and people were speculating or they trully knew? one question though... you think what Uribe did was right?
  20. one child policy in china is wrong. there shouldn't be any policy at all. leaders, organizations, anyone should recommend it with words and show people why it is important that we dont multiply generations X4 or more. and that woman is a beast!
  21. heres the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_PLfc1R21s in Spanish though, for those who want to hear all what Chavez said about the issue, which was more than what BBC stated. because we know how some journalists and news agencies tend to quote the parts that benefit their cause, or lets say, the negative parts of the speeches. eventhough that is always what they do, you cant twist what happened with Uribe's decision on this hostage exchange situation which was going very good. talking about foreign pressure("plan Colombia")...the hostage exchange would not only bring people to their homes but it will soften things in colombia which is a country with years of drug wars, creating a decrease of the fear Colombian people have because of all the terrorism in their country. also a political image boost for Chavez and his government, and the new world order cant accept that. Chavez also said: peace in Colombia is bad for the CIA, because they use that as a reason to stay in that area. Uribe didn't even call Chavez, didn't even showed his face until some days after. cancelled, all and all because of a call that wasn't even political. Chavez called him a liar, and said that Colombia deserves a better president, a decent president. Spain's king saying sorry to Chavez! i would love to see that...seems very hard though
  22. i just now heard this... the title says it all. here's the link Elizabeth Kucinich: My Husband Would "Absolutely" Consider Running With Ron Paul lets push for this option, because alone we will not get anything. lets take the example of our enemies that because of their unity are strong.
  23. no revolution in venezuela!!! you must be blind! o debes ser escuálido encubierto...
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