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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. smash girl on left. trash bandana knee.
  2. dear soul, C-C-C-Combo breaker! :) cG
  3. about to get ready to go to work....on a saturday :(
  4. true....especially when a girl asks to see it. the person below me likes cheesecake more than regular cake.
  5. lol...its actually funny to watch. im just curious why the package i sent you took almost a month to get out there.
  6. true....quiche. the person below me thinks quiche is a wimpy food. 4 months?!?....really?
  7. false...but i know where to buy already cooked good food! the person below me hasn't gotten laid in a long time.
  8. false, i am not a short fat lazy ass nigga. the person below me knows how to make poutine.
  9. well, after dropping a bit, it is steadily climbing back up again. its about $3.85 (back to where it was when i posted about it 2 months ago).
  10. true....i think he's talking about klonopins. the person below me likes when there snow cone has ice cream in it.
  11. dear co-workers, i hate you all. especially the ones that snitch to management. cG
  12. false...i try to limit my time on the internet, so i dont over do it. the person below me has a really nice smartphone with apps and stuff.
  13. true...my own from time to time. the person below me likes almond croissants.
  14. false...but have thought about it....theres really good money in it. tpbm is an arm wrestling champion
  15. CALIgula


    those are clean.
  16. true!...the first letter of my graff n dance name! the person below me has a favorite flavor of ramen.
  17. true....optic blast! the person below me knows how to play marvel vs capcom
  18. ^after she removes that thing off of her leg, it would be a vicious smash!...but until then, trash, because i dont know whether or not that shits contagious.
  19. true....i took spanish in high school, but knew pig latin since elementary school. the person below me likes when candy is put in their ice cream.
  20. LOL...basically. we kinda did the same thing with "football" (soccer)
  21. false...im not a big fan of sum shit. the person below me uses a cane to walk.
  22. googled it and found it in yahoo answers: Squash: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Squash_%28s… Racquetball:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racquetball Racquetball is a racquet sport played with a hollow rubber ball in an indoor or outdoor court. Joe Sobek invented the sport in 1948, incorporating rules from squash and handball. Unlike most racquet sports, such as tennis or badminton, the court's walls, floor, and ceiling are legal playing surfaces, rather than out-of-bounds. Squash:The relatively small court and low-bouncing ball makes scoring points harder than in its American cousin, racquetball, as the ball may be played to all four corners of the court. Since every ball must strike the front wall above the tin (unlike racquetball), the ball cannot be easily 'killed'. As a result, rallies tend to be longer than in racquetball.
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