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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. true, just so i can say "those are the whitest teeth ive ever come across" the person below me got the joke. *edit. false...although im sure it would feel pretty good. the person below me has watched a nascar race while eating bratwurst
  2. ^ have you tried water with strawberries in it? just ate subway for lunch....too healthy...i wish i woulda had hawaiin bbq instead...anyways now im just oontzin while food digests.
  3. true....i like comedies. the person below me would rather have a root canal than watch a chick flick.
  4. false....i just ate lunch like 5 minutes ago and im full. the person below me likws the nightmare on elm street movies *edit. false...i inhale food. the person below me likws the nightmare on elm street movies
  5. false....although if i was rich, i would...but can't spend half a years worth of paychecks just on lunch for the day. the person below me blogs.
  6. true....on my days off. the person below me has tried caviar.
  7. KIR taking things worldwide! this is by far the most epic thread on 12oz.
  8. CALIgula

    Head On!

    to be or not to be. apply directly to the forehead!!
  9. ^haha...look at the expression on his face when he realizes he just fucked up.
  10. false to the welfare part, true to the swine part (bacon), false to the tryin to look fine...i stay lookin fine. the person below me has eaten cow testicles before.
  11. false..even if i were to read the manual. the person below me is sick and tired of people that try to shove religion down other people's throats.
  12. I did a 36 page lab report once.....the course required two lab reports, the other one was only about 29 pages.
  13. false....lol. the person below me watches anthony bourdain shows on tv.
  14. And never use an email address when registering for any site that can link your graffiti name to your real name. Whether its 12oz, facebook, photobucket, flickr, etc etc. Have a completely different email for everything you do.
  15. true....ihop. the person below me is so sick and tired of youtube ads that they want to punch a baby in the throat.
  16. true....unfortunately. the person below me is going shopping today.
  17. CALIgula


    nice collection for sure.
  18. true...i actually got a compliment on my voice from my female co-worker yesterday. the person below me has eaten breakfast in bed before.
  19. false...lol...it would be nice though. the person below me has invented something.
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