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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. just finished up reading The Kite Runner: saw the movie a while back, and finally got around to reading the book. i know, i know....i shouldve read the book first.
  2. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear ssn, yeah...im sorta kinda seeing 'cougar' again. hit me up when you get a chance..ive got to tell you about a hip hop show i recently went to. cG dear bfish, big day? tell me more. cG p.s. yeah, i will send my addy.
  3. about to go read the last chapter of a book. then hit up the gym.
  4. yeah...i got wanna snuggle a few months back...it was alright. baptism by fire is definitely hot.
  5. join the club. i think i need to slow down too. by the way, thanks again for that link. i was bumping it today.
  6. false....i own this many----> 0 the person below me still owns cassette tapes.
  7. your name reminds me of si se puede.
  8. false....some interesting stuff on it...but not 'stoked' the person below me is gonna go hiking this summer.
  9. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear muds, my old lady was too tired for the hot tub and massage....shes got a nice backyard with a nice pool and jacuzzi...but was too tired to get into it with me on friday night...she just wanted to fall asleep. ok ok....i want to make something for you...i think ive got an idea now. thanks! cG
  10. trying to set up a twitter account. fuck it...i give up.
  11. isnt the topic to answer the last question that got posted with a new question?
  12. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear porn, maybe theyre doing this.. cG
  13. :lol::lol: right click, save.
  14. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear friday night, sex was good. movie was good. dinner was good. too tired for massage and hot tub? wtf?! cG
  15. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear souls, right on man. does she have any friends? cG dear ssn, and the best part is that im not paying for any of it. cali"brokeatthemoment"gula
  16. holy shit thats scary. and the orange is pretty scary too.
  17. false...i just smirk. the person below me listens to comedy albums.
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