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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. asparagus salsa for the asparaburrito...some random lady stuck her hand in the pic when i was taking it (sorry)...i did take one just to taste the salsa...it was pretty good... the asparagus steak sandwich was ok..the meat was good (/no homo), but it was small for $6, and the asparagus was overcooked...oh well..ill get the burrito next year.. more..
  2. classic rock hawk.. this was the main stage, where the band performing that day was "loverboy"...some 80s band...the show was supposed to start in an hour...but neither of us wanted to stay around to hear it...the name of the band alone was gay... asparagus pasta...i did not partake...maybe next year.. asparaburrito...i did not partake...maybe next year..but i did try the asparagus steak sandwich though they also had aspararitas (asparagus flavored margaritas and asparagus ice cream...i didnt partake in either of those either) more..
  3. finally, what its all about...these things are sooooo fucking delicious...they deserve their own post...they cook them just right to the point where the asparagus isnt too soft and mushy, but its not too stiff either (/no homo).. sprinkled parmesan on top.. they also had oils and hot sauce you could put on it....unfortunately they didnt have ranch...that was the only problem...if i go back next year, im bringing little packets of ranch in a backpack, and hustling them.. more..
  4. still early..crowds not too big yet (oh...by the way...this is a 3 day festival that goes from friday through sunday...we went on sunday..last day)..heres a pic of some of the food booths.. the main reason people even come to this festival from ALL OVER northern california, is to eat some deep fried asparagus...thats why they have soooo many booths available...luckily, we got to the festival early enough in the day to avoid the lines...we walked back by these booths later in the day, and the lines were packed.. i dont listen to country...but my ex likes country..she listens to this station.. we went to the booth and ordered deep fried asparagus...these were the volunteers frying up the asparagus.. like i said, it was early, so there werent too many volunteers at this point, but later in the day, there were twice as many people back there working.. more volunteers.. even at&t sent out some volunteers...i thought this was funny, so i asked if i could flick it.. more..
  5. walked a little bit and we checked things out, when we came across the hole in one contest...basically for 50 cents a ball, you can try to get a hole in one...and if you do, you win $100,000 and a new mercedes benz...i dont know how to golf, so i didnt even try.. heres some people testing their luck at trying to get a hole in one.... they really thought they had a chance..i dont think anyone won that day.. here are the poor guys that had to stand on the island thingy with helmets and pads so they wouldnt get hurt if hit by golf balls...they also had these vacuum things to pick up the golf balls...weirdest thing i saw all day...not pictured was the 4 kids in a boat fishing all the floating golf balls out of the water.. more..
  6. walked through the security gates around 10:30am and saw a sign pointing out directions to everything.. they basically shut down the streets around city hall to throw this event....theres city hall.. had to buy tickets for food and drinks.. crowds of people early in the morning (america...fuck yeah!).. got the tickets.. more..
  7. Ok, so every year the local towns and small cities close to Sacramento, California have different events for the new crops or foods that are in season.... for example...about an hour north of Sacramento, we have a place called apple hill that has a festival every year where they sell everything related to apples....apple pie, apple cake, apple jams, etc..... there is also a town called isleton about an hour away that has what is called a "crawdad festival"...theres a garlic festival close by, the small town of courtland has something called a "pear fair" where they sell everything related to pears...and so on and so on. well about a 45 minute drive south of sacramento, theres a city called Stockton that has an asparagus festival ever year...it was held last sunday..and i went....here are the pics from that day.. me driving on interstate 5 (i5) south towards l.a... nice warm day with the AC on bumping some masta ace.. met up with my exgirlfriend halfway between where we both live in a small little hick town/truck stop area (about 5 miles from stockton, ca) called flag city.. parked my car in flag city and took her truck to the asparagus festival and parked her truck on the 4th floor... more..
  8. i got some day in pies from last week...will post em up shortly.
  9. thats cause i find cross-eyed females sexy!
  10. lol...nick swardson is in that movie! he lives with his "roomates" lol
  11. true....most of the time....low standards man. the person below me has thought about killing someone recently.
  12. http://www.philly.com/philly/news/20100504_Fan_on_Phils__field_subdued_with_Taser.html
  13. yeah..it happened yesterday or the day before.
  14. i just used the multiple upload blue bar yesterday.
  15. ssttst ssssts ststst tsssst
  16. damn...another cycle ghost attachment....2nd thread in a row!
  17. false...although i am going to an all you can eat sushi place with my ex girl friend next sunday (not this coming sunday cause its mothers day) the person below me has been to golden gate park in san francisco.
  18. wow...nice ghost attachment...i saw cycle up when i was in NYC. that beatl is pretty dope too.
  19. i dont understand how christians take something like the thorn crown which was meant to be degrading and glorify it. kind like how black people took the n word and use it on themselves to glorify it.
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