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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. wait...whats wrong with the second one?...i havent seen it, but was planning on it...now im scared..what sucks about it?
  2. false...you should be high on life....well, at least until you build up a tolerance to it like i have. the person below me likes ramen.
  3. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear seyer, yeah...i just started taking the vitamin b complex pills to help with memory because vitamin b complex has b6 b9 and b12 in it....before that i had clear or slightly yellow pee....now its like fluorescent and shit! cG
  4. you know...i was actually thinking about reading mein kampf the other day after rewatching american history x and seeing the book report part. i know i wont agree with hitler's ideas, but im kind of interested in what he says in it....also im curious about the turner diaries...has anyone read that?? but i doubt i will ever get around to reading those two books.
  5. i think theres footage of him sparring....i dvr'ed a documentary on bruce lee a few weeks ago on the history channel called "how bruce lee changed the world" its on youtube...heres part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NBCX9K3gPk
  6. as i remember it, the thread was split in half 50/50....half the people said tyson would win....the other half said bruce....i was on the bruce side...not because of the 2 finger punch, but because of his speed and versatility...especially his kicking ability and flexibility.
  7. lol...i tried to prop you but i need to spread rep around first. shopping for books at thrift stores is where its at.. i bought a thousand splendid suns hardback cover for $1.98 found kite runner for $1.98 as well.. found complications for $1.98 ^i was actually going to buy this a couple weeks before i found it at the thrift store for like $16 at barnes and nobles. another $1.98 book... i also saw the secret for $1.98, but i dont really want to read it.
  8. tyson vs bruce lee i remember someone making that thread.
  9. :rolleyes::rolleyes: youre right...i have no idea what im talking about. :rolleyes::rolleyes: youre right my biochem teacher has no idea what hes talking about either. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: *edit
  10. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear seyer, i drink lots of water...but it still comes out bright yellow....i even drank about 20-25 cups one day (3 of the 1.5 Liter aquafina and 3 16.9oz kirkland signature bottled waters)....still bright yellow. i think i just have vitamin B malabsorption :( cG
  11. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear mud puddles, im so excited! im so excited! ....im so...scared. that was the most emotional episode of saved by the bell ever. my favorite quote from saved by the bell was when mr. belding thought screech was getting married and he says, "Screetch, you can't elope!" and then screech goes "Who you calling a cantaloupe you melonhead!" :lol: cG
  12. thats a disturbing picture.
  13. false...i bring back old ones that arent in style anymore...next ...im bringing overalls back. (wearing both straps down) the person below me knows a really good omelet recipe.
  14. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear odd, welcome back. cG dear SM, good advice to seyer on last page...i was dating a woman who was 15 years older than me, and we met in the middle. cG dear seyer, age is just a number! cG dear vitamin b-complex pills, why are you making my pee turn a bright highlighter yellow color? cG dear earl, you east coast people are lucky...you get to find out what happens on shows before us west coast people do. cG dear marco, have fun in nyc!...wish i could go. cG dear ssn, sorry to hear about you and your man. cG dear cg, wtf have you been eating?...youve got too much gas in your system...youve woken yourself up by farting three times in the past week...and then cant get back to sleep. cG dear standardized exam im studying for, you suck! and youre taking away from my oontz time....and this is why im behind on posting in this thread.....this shoulda been like 8 seperate posts, but im combining it into one. cG
  15. why does that black lady with the fucked up eye brows have pictures of white people in the background?
  16. i saw that news report about metals in protein shakes on the news, coincidentally, while at the gym working out. eating enough protein from foods is possible to do, but when youre trying to eat up to 200grams per day, it becomes more difficult unless you use protein powder as a supplement. sure, you can eat 6 or 7 eggs for breakfast, lots of shrimp, fish, meat, etc etc, but you just have to eat a whole bunch of it. i only do a small amount of powder a day as a supplement, NOT as a replacement for protein....i just get enough protein to meet my daily requirements: 0.8 grams per kg body weight per day for a sedentary person. 1.0 grams per kg body weight per day for an athlete as much as 1.2 to 1.4 grams per kg body weight for someone lifting heavy. i do about 1.2 grams per kilogram (pounds divided by 2.2 will give you kg) but certain people will take a lot of protein powder, and in the words of my old biochemistry teacher: "all that excess powdered protein people eat... they just end up pissing that shit out...they have expensive piss." (yes, he used to curse during his lectures...which were at 8am every fucking morning for 5 months.)
  17. eating cherries from the farmers market.
  18. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear doug benson, just found out youre doing a comedy show here in sacramento in july...im excited. cG
  19. false....graffiti was the only reason i joined. tpbm eats at taco bell regularly
  20. true...i went to the asparagus festival this year and everything! the person below me like artichokes.
  21. false....i love sleeping in. the person below me hates a certain ethnicity.
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