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Everything posted by CALIgula

  1. :lol::lol: this! oh and also the adamsblock thing was funny, especially when FR made thsoe signs.
  2. dear meth, oh, im already knowing about salinas. crazy shit. cG *edit....theres a new victim now....so 7 people shot, one dead.
  3. dear gunmen, well, i was just driving through the area and had no idea what i was about to come up on, but i saw the numbers marking all the shell casings, and saw the dead body covered in the yellow tarp...the girl im dating was in my passengers seat and filled me in on the situation that made the news today. wow...did you guys really feel the need to shoot some people in broad daylight around 1pm today??....you guys killed a mother putting her kids in the suv, and injured 5 other people....all right before Christmas. people are seriously on some other shit in sacramento....i hope karma catches up with ya'll. cG p.s. heres a link for anyone interested in what im talking about: http://www.news10.net/news/story.aspx?storyid=112014&catid=2 http://www.news10.net/video/default.aspx?bctid=711116021001#/Recent+Videos/Woman+killed%2C+5+wounded+in+Sac+strip+mall+shootout/52821470001/52747302001/711116021001
  4. hell yeah, thats whats up. one of the greatest rappers...ever.
  5. just tracked motor oil all onto the kitchen floor...fuuuuck.
  6. deal realism, just when i was about to, the waitress walked out with the sandwich....at that point it was about 3:40am. ...and i still had to drive an hour and a half through the fog while falling asleep to drop my girl off and then drive another half an hour home...got in bed at 6am. cG
  7. this pizza used to be good to me...not anymore. since its so cheap to buy a whole pizza from costco, id get a couple large pizzas and wrap them all up in plastic wrap and put them in the freezer...and take them out, defrost them and heat them up in the oven when i wanted a slice...ive been doing this for the past few months...and now, im ready to throw up whenever i think about costco pizza.
  8. dear restaurant from last night, being open till 4am.....awesome! playing nothing but old school west coast gangsta rap...awesome! pricing of the food....awesome! portion size of the food....awesome! uniqueness and taste of food...awesome! our waitress....awesome! having to wait an hour and a half for a fucking chicken sandwich when your restaurant isnt even that busy to begin with, and bringing out everyones food one at a time, while we would look into the kitchen and see the chefs drinking beers and singing along with the songs and taking their fucking time to make our food....not awesome at all! even though your restaurant had all these good qualities, you fucked yourselves over by making us wait....im gonna tell everyone i know never to eat at that restaurant when they visit your city. cG
  9. about to go clip my toenails...ive put this off for too long...theyre like razor blades right now.
  10. Dear IR, i realized that the ad is on the 12oz front page. cG
  11. does anyone have that pic of the girl licking the pink vibrator?
  12. pale blonde chicks dont do anything for me. but id smash the first two.
  13. ^he gives awesome speeches...seen it on youtube. symbols, when are you planning on going to BA?...i went there 5 years ago..it was nice. right now, im relaxed...mailed out some stuff and forman grilled up a couple of burgers.
  14. trying to get organized with all these damn addresses!
  15. my ex loved those...i couldnt get into them though.
  16. dear Fat Ralphy, just got your package in the mail...dope, thanks man! thanks for the cd, cant wait to listen to it...and thanks for the other cds too. thanks for the labels....funny thing is that i was going to send you a 12oz sticker in response too! thanks again man. cG
  17. dear rolf, some people can just eat whatever and not get sick because they have strong stomachs!....or maybe the spiceyness from the pepper killed all the bacteria in the raw bacon..lol. i watched that video again...i think they fried it again after wrapping it with the raw bacon. cG
  18. yeah, compaqs are good...theyre fast and cheap..kinda like the girls i date. but seriously...i spent $300 and got a pc with 2gb ram, 500gb harddrive, windows 7, dvd burner...its really good for the price...i already had a nice monitor and speakers from my old computer so didnt have to buy those. yeah, im trying to watch all the episodes of gangland...i think ive already seen more than half of them...i wish i had netflix..they have the first 6 seasons.
  19. dear IR, lol...ive seen it a couple of times, but never screengrabbed it. cG
  20. dear almighty, i have to do the heineken contest. cG dear rolf, :lol: im so down to do the big mac roll!! but what the fuck was up with wrapping the fries in raw bacon? ewwww...no! cG
  21. fuck it....they dont play out there....and for kidnapping a kid and holding them for ransom???....he got what he deserved....i understand that if youre hungry enough, you will do just about anything to make some money...but you dont fuck with peoples children.
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