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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by Schnitzel

  1. pizza night my son decided he was making pizzas for him and his sister his pizza looked a little strange but in the oven, the cheese seemed to spread out nicely around the fillings particularly when he added three more handfuls. started on mine went to get some Olives - didn't look like much so i tipped the jar out to drain the brine. my first thought was FFFFFFFFFAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRKKKKK orf I was just at supermarket. my next thought was " @LUGRis gonna love this so I better take a pic"🤣 son decided that of course you wear goal keeper's gloves when eating pizza it's weird that picture makes the pizza look terrible. It was good enough he took the remainder to school today for lunch
  2. absolutely!! that Abis book is great.
  3. take lots of pics. Went to Sicily in 2005. can't remember much barring the gelato served inside a brioche roll which was fucking awesome. and that it was so damn hot in Palermo and Trapani the days we were there. And go to the Iso Aeolian islands - we stayed in Lipari. stunning. The right kind of stunning that makes a woman feel uninhibited and frisky and determined that you're both going to live la dolce vita. ya dig.
  4. Okay, this is a good idea 150% but is there a way one could drag the photos in the have the option to one-touch "post as separate posts"? I can't be arsed doing one meme per post because of the extra time but if there was a way to do so would be a blessing
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