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Everything posted by earmuffs

  1. Could you have made that intro a little bit faster?
  2. Lizard king..... Ugliest nigga alive /nh
  3. On te topic of rallys/checkers. Walmart used to carry their fries. Haven't seen them in a while though. Shit is so good. I stopped at the firsT one I saw in Mississippi. There was one apparently a few blocks away from my house bit it's now a donut shop. Also. Whataburger FTW!!!!
  4. Damn Josh kalis got his ass beat in batb. Kinda disappointed.
  5. Yeah that part was really good.
  6. hahah that Brian Peppers one is bad ass..
  7. This is all being done from my iPhone. Went to the rangers game Friday. Woke up early to take my sister in law back home to Mississippi. Sun rising in east Texas. Stopped for gas in Vicksburg Mississippi. Made it to Jackson. Got some lunch. Baconator ftw Dropped her off and checked out sone freight spots. Headed back home. Back in Louisiana. Graff n dance. Stopped I'm shreveport to check some more freight spots. Back in Texas. Ridin dirty. Sat here for an hour due to an accident. Last food stop before arriving at home. Damn that was a pain in the ass (no homo) doing it all from my phone.
  8. i just ride whatever bushings come on the trucks i get.
  9. Is that the same gap that Travis dude backflip on a tricycle?
  10. Last one I watched was the history of the ku klux Klan. It was alright.
  11. I think a true skater can ride one set up in any spot haha. A friend opened a shop/company. He makes boards an shirts. He does pretty good. Got a mini ramp in the back. Put together a team. He store did get broken into and cleaned out by crackheads because of the location. But he swears it's gonna pay off with the olympics.
  12. Those adidas look like shit.
  13. Is there an iPhone app for tinychat?
  14. Apparentaly Groyn is too busy with tinychat to come paint freights with me.
  15. trip to the berrics went for $3200..
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