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Everything posted by earmuffs

  1. Got pretty hyped when I saw this coming on the news until i saw the whole story.. shit gonna be a major fail.. http://www.the33tv.com/news/kdaf-mckinney-skate-park-two-million-story,0,7585423.story
  2. went here for some near shirts.. shirts... headed home to get the wife for lunch.. went to eat here.. stopped there... went to NSMBFAN's place... 19th hole.. went to get drinks but NSMB got a belly ache.. cerveza stopped by here and this is where my day ends in pics. Lost my camera until this morning..
  3. wake up drink.. catch up... chilin.. went back to bed for a bit... showered. rolled out... spit... funky town.. benched for a while.. headed this way.. stockyards. had to get this chip downloaded...
  4. earmuffs


    skate 2 the city is sick. I liked skate 3 but the city was a bit disappointing. Didnt seem near as much shit to skate as in 2.
  5. last I saw was 3.80 in northern Louisiana.
  6. Hoping I don't get blown away in a tornado.
  7. just bought this.... pffffffft suck my nuts ha
  8. the real video was ok.. nothing amazing.
  9. as if Id ever wear sunglasses.
  10. Hahahahahahhahaha I dunno that's kinda badass is in a humorous kinda way.
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