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12oz Original
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Everything posted by psm026

  1. oh boiii... send your address.via PM landclam.. thats it, no more prize packages..after these last 3. haha before we know it everyone on will have a 12oz tattoo and it will be the new trendy thing to do , like wearing american apparel. disclaimer: sorry to all you american apparel wearers.
  2. yo, either people chill with all the e-beef in this thread or itll just have to get closed..also peyote, if your gonna try people and how they dont paint..why go and start positng shit they have done, doesnt make sense, if you dont like one of these dudes or want to beef with them..do that shit on a private message or take that shit to your myspace pages or some shit..... save the bandwidth here for relevant shit that matters. if the shit keeps up heads will just get banned. holler.
  3. 12oz prophet x Nike Native collab coming soon... 12oz. premium members will get a free pair.
  4. very nice way to start your monday.:)
  5. Dear , Steluta your mother sucks cocks in hell...... while smoking her fags & taking aids medicine.... sincerely, 12 oz.
  6. indeed! the first one was okay , the rest are fucken horrible.
  7. not my fault you cant hang....just stick to strictly veggies bitch ...:lol: the triple is a bit much though.
  8. well, if we are talking whats the best burger then ..Id have to say BURGER KING DOUBLE WHOPPERS... GAME OVER. but I thought we were talking cheap and tasty.
  9. indeed! no french toast .. ill opt out for a MC donalds Sausage mcmuffin. I tend to eat the fattneing stuff and yes it does kill you, but itll be so worth it.
  10. whattabuger is dope...but IN n OUT is the way better. and no houston is not beautiful.. dont let fatalist con you over some burgers and lame scenery..
  11. i wasnt hungry , until i read the thread name... mmmmmmmmmmm. wendys double stack! (needs to get pushed back to the .99 cent menu) thanks.
  12. Dear, fatalist I love you more. now make me something to eat.;) Sincerely in yours...:eek: psm.
  13. some1 does fetish shows.. hes the dude that gets to bank the bound and gagged donkey, while they play slayer...
  14. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread :confused:
  15. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread being that im down south right now... can i get something a bit more booty bass...
  16. I hate it when ppl tell me that weed make them paranoid.. cant see how.
  17. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread Im dancing in my ohhhh so fresh HAMMER PANTS.... ontz ontz ontz.... tikiktikikti ontz ontz ontz.... tikiktikikti ontz ontz ontz.... tikiktikikti ontz ontz ontz.... tikiktikikti
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