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Everything posted by psm026

  1. psm026

    duty free ideas

    We currently are working on culture blog, aside from the bloggers.. and yes the ideas of breaking down duty free into sub forums by releases / brands / sneakers / collectibles is what I had in mind.. the music and such would be also given its place. I just feel that these types of sections for a forum breakdown are great.. I know this will sound hypocritical since we are working on a more culture blog section aside from the bloggers we have now but I feel this culture needs a good wake up call and more interaction within the community, current blogs just throw content but nothing is really said about the product..every single drop of any brand is instantly cool.. but most of it is just hype, thats why I feel discussion is such a key element of cutting out the bullshit from the dope shit, no one speaks for themselves and what they think is cool. Just because a brand gets a blog post, its fucken great. come on people lets be serious and speak for ourselves.
  2. Re: Yo Negroes, 12oz. needs you Dope, thank you.. this daily click helps beyond belief..if only 300 + people click these a day, we would do some nice numbers which then would create a nice revenue , which then would come back to you guys in alot of cool shit in many ways then just new features as I have explained. yeah that ad was actually pretty funny. this hyperize ad actually I think is one of the cooler ads we have ran..but then again Im a nike supporter.. thank you sir, thats what Im saying.. Whats funny is that with some very close ties to Montana spain, in the very near future you can see some very cool shit poppin off. hmmmmm say free paint giveaways..
  3. Re: 12OZ. NEEDS YOU... many thanks for the heads bumping this thread... also please try and create some awareness in other threads going in brick slayers. I know alot of people just overlook since its not like a certain cities thread they hang out on. Thanks!
  4. Re: 12OZ. NEEDS YOU... Yes this is true, they can see how far you went into the site, how long you stayed, things of that nature. But as long as we have our clicks in place, the rest is on them. 20k + a year, ha.. We dont just get money we have alot of quotas to meet and thats why we need your help, if we dont make these numbers, then we dont see much of anything, which in turn leaves nothing but a costly monthly hosting charges on us and most importantly no funds for building up special features that anyone that hangs out in here will more then LOVE.. I kid you not. Also more funds the better the contest prizes we can pull off, imagine having a custom 12oz. items and such..
  5. psm026

    duty free ideas

    any Ideas on how we can pop this area off, more content, etc? I feel that with the caliber of dope/respected bloggers on the homepage we have and the way 12oz. caters to the culture. Street wear and its many components (sneakers, Tee, etc.) should play a way bigger and more important role throughout the site/forum. With that being said, Im really going to try and get a push of more content through here that will get hopefully get more people to contribute, I know we have heads in here posting regularly and I thank you for the support but it would be awesome if this was the place to go for this type of information. I know that there is a couple forums and sites only dealing with this side of the culture but I think we could really make this the hot spot. Anyhow, Id like to get some feedback on the matter and what you think we can do to improve this area. legitimate suggestions would be greatly appreciated, this is a your area and we would like you guys to be involved in making these changes happen. discuss.. P.
  6. Re: Yo Negroes, 12oz. needs you I guess basketball heads dig them.
  7. Re: 12OZ. NEEDS YOU... I dont think ppl read those as much as an on going thread... so its one of those Im just going to have to keep an eye on and bump so everyone gets it.
  8. Re: Yo Negroes, 12oz. needs you what browser are you using? 2nd person that says that.
  9. Re: Yo Negroes, 12oz. needs you they want traffic to the site, we are promoting it, we want to get paid for it. I see your point but its not like Im saying .. "oh click on this wak ad, bc it pays the bills"... Im rocking some nikes right now.. only fair.
  10. Re: Yo Negroes, 12oz. needs you i know its all good... i know its just all in fun..
  11. to help by clicking on these footlocker/Nike ads spread throughout the site. If you could just click it and go to the site just once a day that would be great! the quick couple clicks you put in will not only show love to 12oz. but will pay off extremely well for everyone. I cant let the cat out the bag of what we have planned but its a major overhaul everyone will be delighted over...but funds are low and those ads are the lifeline of the site please help out and do your part. Also, we want to start doing alot of giveaways and cool contests with this major overhaul that we are working on..so once again its just about being stretched thin with the $$ situation.. Please tell friends to help out by coming over to the sites main home page ads, who knows they might get excited over the sites contents and stick around, it'll also make it easier for you and yours to communicate and have a good time on 12oz. Thanks and keep this thread bumping..... feel free to ask questions...
  12. Re: Yo Negroes, 12oz. needs you yeah its something like that, but it would really suck if we had to pull the plug on 12oz. and stick to just doing the agency work we do which then pays the rest of the bill for keeping it alive.
  13. Re: Yo Negroes, 12oz. needs you Yeah but chicks shop, they see ads for things and they click and go buy shit... as you already know the 12oz crowd has a real broad spectrum of users (mostly kids against the man).. So many dont care to click bc they dont know this helps them in the end.
  14. Re: Yo Negroes, 12oz. needs you once a day is fine, if you click into them more then once a day the rest dont really count and actually hurt the stats.. and then thats just wasting your time. thanks!
  15. Re: Yo Negroes, 12oz. needs you well, if you like to hang out on the board and want to see it keep progressing with new features it would be nice to click these ads... no one is asking for money.. just a little help..
  16. Re: Yo Negroes, 12oz. needs you If it were do you think we would be posting this thread... FYI - 12oz. the website has been around from before half the people on here thought computers were cool.. "like me for example". and I was already working with Raven on a mail order and helping with 12oz. when it was a magazine. anyhow.. the forum organically has grown and up until 2 years ago Misteraven was paying every penny out of his pocket to keep the site going, finally he broke down and got google adsense and that still was not even paying half of the hosting costs.. so no, as it stands it barely breaks even with some months being better and leaving some change, which then goes back into buying new servers and shit like that.
  17. funny I caught someone on my fire escape this weekend doing a fill, and I didnt think shit of it, I actually just walked up to the window, obviously he didnt know what the deal was and tore ass down the stairs..pretty funny.. i was actually gonna tell dude to put me up. but yeah what you did was pretty hypocritical, ha..
  18. you said it. living in houston, I saw first hand how down they keep people in that state..
  19. Re: Yo Negroes, 12oz. needs you any more questions?
  20. Re: Yo Negroes, 12oz. needs you we are fixing all these small issues, we just are getting back into the flaws that need fixing now that we moved the board over to the new servers.
  21. Re: Yo Negroes, 12oz. needs you if we had funds, we would love to do some sort of thing.. actually Earl Broq just did a old school funk/ jazzy mix on some site and its legit, he would be dope for a 12oz. radio show, even though he says spins for fun..
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