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El Jefe Uno

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Everything posted by El Jefe Uno

  1. No questions yet, just waiting on that damn krink recipe...
  2. Thanks man! I'll try to keep this thread updated. Lotta flicks to go through...
  3. Congrats on the retirement, KaBar. I remember reading this thread when you were still counting down by years, haha.
  4. Threw out my back, so I'm posted up on the couch. Old man problems...
  5. One thing I do find myself missing, is push notifications. If it's possible on the tech side, that could be a nice way to drive engagement.
  6. New forum is looking sharp, works well on mobile too.
  7. Some with my camera, some with a shitty camera phone...
  8. Some flicks I've taken over the past year or so. Some from the East Coast, some from the West. Unbiased (at least, I try).
  9. I also wonder if we can get some content rolling in the forum before focusing on putting the word out. Some benching threads, discussion in Ch. 0., etc. That way when people check out the new site, they'll see activity in the forums.
  10. Ha! I can relate to that. Not sure if there was anything to the left. I need to dig through my 12oz archives.
  11. Well, I guess that solves the mystery of who cropped it... What's up man??
  12. Yeah, I realized I was getting old when I threw out my back reaching for something in the fridge. What the fuck, back?
  13. Right on! If you find yourself in Southern California, I'm usually good for a beer or a meal.
  14. I'll probably stay pretty low-key this year. Kicking back with some drinks and food with my girl and her family and disconnecting from work for a bit sounds really nice.
  15. Looks like a solid list. I stopped commuting a few years back, which I'm glad about overall. But damn, I do miss listening to podcasts and the radio.
  16. Yeah, this is true. The new layout already looks better on mobile, and I think that will be huge. A large part of Instagram's success is due to the fact that it's quick and easy to use on a phone. But it's limiting, since it isn't really a place for discussion. If we can get some quality discussion and flicks going, with a mobile friendly forum, I think there's a huge place for that.
  17. I really appreciate the breakdown here.
  18. Crazy to think how long the Oontz has been around. Since joining, I've grown up (sort of), graduated high school, dropped out of community college, moved across the country, got engaged, found a job that doesn't suck... What about you?
  19. Yeah, I'm a bit worried about the potential loss of productivity while I'm at work... but it's a risk I'm willing to take.
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