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Everything posted by iloveboxcars

  1. When did Matt Damon start posing for propaganda posters?
  2. Yeah, my homosexual friends go play "asshole" after they get drunk too.
  3. hi. i am just subscribing to this thread to get my emails up. :)
  4. iloveboxcars


    Re: reebok court victory for those colors I might pay $1.30... but probably not.
  5. iloveboxcars


    those dresdens are sickle cell.
  6. Some stuff by my friend. ((www.miroart.deviantart.com)) http://pic2.picturetrail.com/VOL36/1811984/3490835/57166739.jpg'> http://pic2.picturetrail.com/VOL36/1811984/3490835/57166849.jpg'> http://pic2.picturetrail.com/VOL36/1811984/3490835/57166844.jpg'> http://pic2.picturetrail.com/VOL36/1811984/3490835/57166836.jpg'> All images are scaled down by my photo host.
  7. Also: Don't bother responding to this, I wont respond to you.
  8. All of you are going to hate me for bringing this up again but.. This is a graffiti forum. It is a place where people communicate using the written word. You should atleast attempt to help people that are trying to read your jibberish by using the language as it should be used, not like a 14 year old on AOL.
  9. It is quite obvious you do not care about spelling.
  10. Ha, I can't believe you got this worked up about this.
  11. Yeah, but you skipped the u in hurts and decided a z would be better than an s. That disqualifies you for the "iloveboxcars merit contest" as well.
  12. Your opinions do not matter because you type like a 13 year old girl.
  13. I am dissapointed to go through this and see that most of these are graffiti related. I understand that this a graffiti forum, but.. I don't know.. graffiti on canvas is so boring. That crackwhore acouple pages back is awesome.
  14. I HAVENT FUCKING BEEN TO SLEEP YET AND I JUST DRANK SOME FUCKING COFFEE THAT HAD A CIGARETTE PUT OUT IN IT>>> FUCK ALL OF YOU FUCKING MOTHERFUCKERS> dfhioprjoisr oriejhw oihroijb n30u0u38yu3j8oyu2340ybu 34[e[obguwerotuwb49tu3n0btw4tpbwmu4n89p3u4[wb4u289pbyu49pb39pun[0ub 4eario;
  15. iloveboxcars


    How the fuck do companies get away with selling this trash? You seriously like the way these look?
  16. this is my last post on this name, and possibly my last post on this board.. Just wanted to show all of you shit that you can pump out in about 5 minutes and sell to the masses for dolla dolla billz yall. Straight gangster. http://pic2.picturetrail.com/VOL36/1811984/3490835/50425761.jpg'> edit - this is the 3rd in a series of timed shit... I set a timer for 5 minutes and go crazy until the timer sets off.
  17. I don't normally go into the paper chase... and I just thought this was odd because i'm planning to do a fill much like this one tonight. ok.
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