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Everything posted by the_gooch

  1. remember 12oz.... ..can prevent lame threads and content on here!
  2. 8onus, you are calling down the fire homeboy....haha
  3. deto was kickin the balistics, kid is on a mission.
  4. ahh it's good to see how only the elite can make their random bullshit threads. oh well, i knew all of that already!
  5. fun while it lasted..... better to burn out, than to fade away...
  6. i just think it needs new leadership...haha deto you have my vote.
  7. 8onus this is your boy: "these are a few of my favorite things... Computers Gadgets (who uses that word?) Gizmos (come on) Girls (clearly he illustrates the difference) Women (see above) Making out (are you 15?) People (awwww) LiZz's car dances People watching (nigga, don't bite gooch steez) Myspace (yeah that's obvious) Heather's beauty (fag) The O.C. (totaly fag! i can't front i watch that shit too sometimes..haha) Cheesy One-Liners (shut up!) Hip-Hop (NO!) Rick's Calves Bawls (haha, yeah i bet you like them, hot and sweaty) Softer sects of rock (what?) Emily's outlook Life (how poetic) Love (lookin for it in all the wrong places) Mandi's lips (i like mollys better) Messages (hi, i need attention) Comments (yeah, i REALLY need attention) Friend Requests (mommy didn't love me) New shoes (i think we all like those) Katie's vocab Haircuts Cologne Connor Oberst's tremble Money Nora's donkey Solitude Sunny days (aww, write me a fuckin greeting card) Sherri's wisdom Mild nights (give it up) Summertime Lehua's Elvis lip Paid vacations Holidays Mountain Dew Farah's "I <3 Nerds" Shirt Coffee Chocolate Not eating at home Robin's cheeks Being 1st place (never) Experience Halo 2 Kate's masturbation habits Persuit of happiness Poems Songs Rob and Paul dance-offs Lyrics Lyricists (shut up!) Speakers" fuckin tool! hahaha can you try harder to sound interesting and sensitive?
  8. ok, like i was saying... tell his ass to get those breath right strips. they may help. in the mean time, get some cotton balls for your ears. i know there are some girls near you that would have some.
  9. the_gooch


    i have to say, those are hot!
  10. yeah it's called his cock. that guy is hung like a horse, plus he has some history in that industry. also, most of those girls know that if they get seen banging him in a video they will get noticed in a second, just cause they are banging ron jeremy.
  11. yeah, it's an ep actually. you can get it at tower and spots like that. i'm pretty sure you can order it online too. just google it "the basics ep" on embedded records. so yeah i'm home and beat, watching a "what's happening" marathon on tv land.........awesome!!!
  12. hahahaha nice! on a side note i ate 3 big macs at 3 am after checking out my boy record release party. by the way check it out: bisc 1: the basics ep on embedded records.
  13. btw: me = shark joe = well you know... and for the record, it was the first time getting dirty like that, so i figured i would go all out with 2 at once...haha. they were both dope (well one was REALLY dope, the other was cute).
  14. comments from shark hammil on myspace: "me: "so....you ended up making $1000 off the trip...nice." joe: "well, not exactly......... i 'donated' 800 of it to this girl and her 'friend'" me: "so you spent all of your money on hookers basically?" joe: "yeah...." i know you wont let this comment ride. but it really epitomizes the "joeslam experience"." and yes, i didn't let it ride.
  15. nice nice, thanks. good looking out. if you order from the site, i don't handle the shipping/payment and all of that. i gave them stickers, so hopefully you'll get some.
  16. haha congrats 8onus! i may be rolling to fox woods next weekend, anyone down to meet up? i'm playing roulette online right now.
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