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Everything posted by mosluggo

  1. I came through la a few weeks back. Some decent flicks mostly melrose
  2. Um, is door number 3 offering the cop your meeting 3k to not show up in court? Also NOT taking any of those tests is the right idea-especially the field sobriety-theyll write down whatever they want, no matter how you do on the test-
  3. That's all for now.. Sorry for any reposts. moe
  4. It's slow in here.Fresh off another trip.
  5. Alleged gay advance cited in rape CICERO | Male suspect accused of sodomizing man with broomstick December 28, 2007 BY ERIC HERMAN Crimin A Cicero man angry about an alleged homosexual advance raped the man he claimed propositioned him, and then sodomized him with a broomstick, officials said. Felipe Rivera, 43, is charged with a hate crime as well as aggravated criminal sexual assault and other offenses, said a spokesman for the Cook County state's attorney's office. If convicted, he could face more than 30 years in prison, a source said. According to a spokesman for Cicero police, Rivera and the victim encountered each other at a party Friday night in the 1200 block of South 50th Avenue. "Mr. Rivera got upset apparently because he believed the victim, No. 1, didn't respond to a female and then, No. 2, somehow winked at him -- made what he perceived as a sexual advance," said Cicero police spokesman Dan Proft. 30 years possible Rivera then punched the victim in the face, Proft said, and was asked to leave the party. He allegedly waited outside for the victim. According to Rivera, the victim, 37, then propositioned Rivera for a sex act -- a claim the victim denies, Proft said. Rivera followed the victim to the outer staircase of a basement apartment, where he removed the victim's pants and raped him, authorities said. Afterward, Rivera punched the victim in the head, leaving him semi-conscious, then inserted a metal broom handle in the victim's rectum, sources said. Rivera gave police these details in a videotaped statement, according to Proft. When asked why he did it, Rivera allegedly said it was "because he hates f - - - - - s, and this is what they get," according to Proft. A spokesman for the state's attorney said Rivera also shouted "sexually oriented derogatory comments" during the rape. After the alleged attack, Rivera went to his mother's residence nearby. Because she has an order of protection against him, she called the police, Proft said. At a Maywood court appearance Thursday, Judge Paula Dalio set Rivera's bond at $350,000, and added $50,000 for a probation violation. Rivera, of the 1200 block of South 49th Avenue, could get up to 30 years for the sexual assault. The hate crime carries a possible sentence of one to five years. Ads by Google al Courts Reporter eherman@suntimes.com
  6. Wow! Hilarious- thats a horrible song
  7. Im willing to spend the dough for a board i like but 650 still seems kind of steep. But extremegear.com has some burtons in the 450$ range. Then they also have the retarded 700+ boards.
  8. I have a huge crack in my old burton. Been looking myself, and the next board will prob be a forum.
  9. I have the 8700 but im about to switch to something else. I like it. But dont have much use for it anymore. The battery last forever. The service was great, before cingular switched to at&t. Now its ok. I prefer the wheel on the side, instead of in the middle. Oh, and i got google maps hooked up to that shit too.
  10. Decay, i took those on oahu. That pic above is kinda funny. Whats going on there.Looks like you just came back from a failed attempt at robbing a bank.
  11. heres some i took on vacation i rip
  12. Thats all i got for now. All mine. Killing time before a 10 hour flight. peace..
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