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Everything posted by mosluggo

  1. Hell ya, and they got john madden. Hes a stud. Hossa is 30 so he's going to be a leader on this team that is already on its way to winning the cup. Need a goalie asap and the free agent market looks like shit. Sucks to see Havlat go, that guy has HEART. If he didn't get floored twice in the detroit series, he'd still be here. Jacked for talking too much.
  2. that 1st pic was my desktop for a while. And im pretty sure theres vid of that jet ski incident dude was in the barrell right under it. Suds email me at mosluggo1@yahoo.com
  3. Ay suds i got the board! so pumped to use it gotta order a leash and some other small things but im good to go pm me a number so we can do this
  4. Not like anyone cares but the hawks just got HOSSA!
  5. Ya not a work party but a close friend runs all those boats and i can go anytime. Man, it makes for a good night though.. Sorry nuff talking
  6. All flickr jacks.. WOW REALLY??? anyone know how to convert spaceballs?
  7. I got a 32foot Donzi. No, but i was out on one of the boats at the pier. Got the hook, never pay free food and drank.
  8. These 2 stolen NYC All mines Cool dudes too.
  9. FUUUUUUUUCK LETS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im going to the next world cup. No doubt
  10. And he was probably taking the 10's or even the 15's Not the shitty 5mg vicos. Dude had serious problems. Another thing, You take them xanax to sleep, because after long periods of painkiller use you cannot sleep and itll drive you to the brink of insanity. Hence getting wrecked on pk's all day and taking a ladder for a nice 12 hour sleep.
  11. Man i wasnt expecting the dilaudid to be in the mix. I wouldnt mind trying that stuff.But probably wouldnt. Eh, heres something i found. But the zanny ladders and oxys and or any other pain killer should be mixed. Heathledger OnEr The singer was said to be taking three powerful painkillers all at the same time. It is claimed Jackson was injected with the powerful painkiller Demerol - a synthetic drug similar to morphine - moments before he collapsed and died from a massive heart attack. The Sun also claims that he was taking three injections a day of Demerol as well as using Dilaudid and Vicodin. In addition to the pain pills, he was also taking other medication as he battled to get fit and healthy for his comeback tour that was scheduled for next month. They included the muscle relaxer Soma, the sedative Xanax, anti-depressant Zoloft, Paxil for anxiety and Prilosec from the heartburn that all this medication caused. That’s a lot of pharmaceuticals for someone who was 5′11″ and only weighed 120 pounds.
  12. Ya guess its similiar to morphine. That doc is fuuuuuucked. He was shooting him up and probably getting a ton of money for it.
  13. THIS-Peep DONE on far left. Please more
  14. Um i really dont have that option seeing as i live in CHICAGO. But i was planning on ordering a fish in the 6 4 range. The last board i had was a 7 0 funshape but im over that. it was like a mini boat. I need something to get around easier. And from what ive heard the tufflites are more bouyant (?) than regular epoxy. And obviously stronger. So thats what im looking for. Yo suds ill be out that way as soon as i get my shit together. Ya i know i been saying that for the past year and a half I went up to greenwood about 4 years ago about 5 times. It was pretty decent. Havent been to that other spot. But This spot south of chicago gets goooooood.
  15. This reminds me of an ONION story. Shits hiiilarious! Ay can i get them mtn scraps from the auction after they use them for evidence??
  16. Chica Cop Who Beat Bartender Gets Probation Chicago Police Officer Anthony Abbate Gets Light Sentence For Beating Female Bartender CHICAGO (CBS) ― Click to enlarge 1 of 1 Anthony Abbate enters the Cook County Criminal Courthouse on the morning of Tuesday, March 11. CBS Chicago Police Officer Anthony Abbate was sentenced Tuesday to two years probation and anger management classes, after being convicted earlier this month of beating up a female bartender half his size. Cook County Criminal Court Judge John Fleming sentenced Abbate on Tuesday. He also imposed a home curfew from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. and ordered Abbate to perform 130 hours of community service. "No one in recent memory ... has done more to tarnish the reputation of the Chicago Police Department than Anthony Abbate," Cook County Assistant State's Attorney LuAnn Snow said Tuesday. Prosecutors had asked for a prison term. But Fleming said he didn't see any aggravating factors to justify that. CBS 2 Hears You: What do you think about Abbate's sentence? "If I believed sentencing Anthony Abbate to prison would stop people from getting drunk and hitting people, I'd give him the maximum sentence," Fleming said. Abbate was found guilty of aggravated battery by Judge Fleming Fleming in connection with the February 2007 attack. The 250-pound Abbate's attack on 125-pound bartender Karolina Obrycka was captured by the bar's security camera and the video of the incident was shown around the world. Abbate acknowledged during the trial that he was drunk during the incident. But he said Obrycka pushed him first as she tried to remove him from behind the bar. "He's not a bad man, he did something bad," said defense attorney Peter Hickey. After the ensuing scandal, then-police Supt. Phil Cline suddenly announced his retirement, and Mayor Richard M. Daley appointed of current Supt. Jody Weis, who originally said fighting police misconduct would be a major part of his mission as superintendent. In the attack, Abbate kicked and pummeled Obrycka as she lay helpless on the floor at Jesse's Shortstop Inn on the city's Northwest Side. Obrycka had refused to serve Abbate any more drinks. The surveillance videotape of the incident showed two of Abbate's friends at the bar, offering Obrycka her money for medical bills and lost wages if she agreed not to prosecute Abbate. Abbate also planned to plant drugs in people's cars in the bar and charge patrons with drunken driving if Obrycka went forward with the case, attorneys for Obrycka said at the time. The judge ruled that he never showed his badge or said he was a cop, and therefore didn't abuse his position. At trial, Abbate claimed that Obrycka had attacked him first and tossed him around "like a rag doll." But the argument did not sway the judge. Abbate has been relieved of his duties and pay, Chicago Police Department spokesman Officer Robert Perez said. The department is looking into "separation proceedings," Perez said. Weis has said he wants Abbate fired. The Associated Press contributed to this reportgo cop Anthony Abbate sentenced to 2 years probation in videotaped bar beating
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