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Everything posted by mosluggo

  1. When you get one here, they send you a ticket in the mail, and it has the info for you to watch the video of violation happening. All they need is the plate they don't give a shit if you were driving or not. Also, a town outside of chicago has a deal with one of these camera companys. They put the cameras up, maintain them and get 50% of the tickets given. Do the math on that seriously. It MIGHT take a week for them to get their money back. 12k to put 1 up
  2. Ill take your bets. Seriously Parlays, teasers, buying points most props are sucker bets. Play it straight and DONT CHASE if you do get down more than you can afford, which you shouldn't be anyway. If you bet through a book that can and most likely will happen. For online i think they take your money first, then let you bet. And i heard sometimes it takes weeks or months for them to send you a check, but if you lose, or course they take it right away. If you can, get an offshore account through a book around where you live. Phone guys are pretty nonexistant nowadays.
  3. I ate at a taco bell in costa rica and my bro got those. Only place i ever seen them CoOl StOrY bRoOneR
  5. This is that real shit, at least most of what he raps about is true. And LOOL on the face at 20 sec in..
  6. I love pac, and think the fight would be pretty close to even money, but this is true Over the course of the last 19 months, Manny Pacquiao of the Philippines has fought in four divisions, ranging from Super Featherweight to Welterweight, while capturing the WBC Super Featherweight, WBC Lightweight, IBO Junior Welterweight, and WBO Welterweight titles, respectively. In that same time span he has scored 7 knockdowns of bigger opponents while surrendering none, carried an eighty percent knockout percentage, and seemingly becomes more destructive with each fight. Although there have been speculations among some critics, the fact remains that Nevada is in the higher echelons of substance testing among states due to the amount of Boxing matches that occur within it's borders. The test will detect over 40 substances and masking agents including painkillers, barbiturates, amphetamines, marijuana, cocaine, growth enhancers, and steroids to name a few. Pacquiao leading up to his tangle against Cotto spotted a perfect record, both in the state of Nevada and elsewhere. The test results have finally arrived and confirm the gut feeling of countless boxing fans, analyst, and journalist that Pacquiao is indeed clean, now sporting a 10-0 record in Nevada drug tests. Although it is well within reason to question such a historic feat, one must place everything into an empirical and historic view to fully understand the results of the test and what it means. Boxers such as Henry Armstrong achieved similar feats before the introduction of performance enhancers to mainstream athletic competitions, but in the post Mosley/Bonds age, we seem to be on a witch hunt to assassinate excellence.
  7. Why should they change the rules for mayweather? This isnt the olympics last i checked. He's on hgh big deal
  8. She was talking about sane smith the only time i saw her on tv. Both olivias can get it..
  9. And i got some pain pills down there also. They didnt help my pain
  10. Went 3 times last year. LEGAL PROSTITUTION Tell me you went to del ray. Also got caught in a rainstorm while doing zipline. Didnt ask how many people died doing it until after. Answer was not 0...
  11. In some of those pics she has NO pupils Heroin and something else
  12. cool lizard bra omg Im going to leave it at this, since there is no possible way i can find one worse....
  13. Found a few gems but they were gifs.. ah well
  14. Didnt know you could purchase the graffitti tats NEW! ANIYA STYLE $85
  15. I wasnt hating, and i dont know what troll means either ,,dog
  16. found the musician in possession of a variety of medications prescribed to another person. He failed field sobriety tests and was found to be carrying Xanax, Percocet, and Hydrocodone. Seems like a fun guy--
  17. Saw this in the window of some art gallery today. If anyone can explain what i'm looking at i'd appreciate it. Then went to get a tat
  18. Yes, especially the travel threads. Theres probably at least 5 for every big city in the continental us. Whatever happened to just going and figuring shit out along the way??
  19. ^^ Whats up with all the replies like "wtf is he doing with that uzi and blahblahblah" This guy needs a time machine not a lawyer How is this even a question???
  20. Anyone know that other app that is just like pandora but unlimited skips? Also when I put the phone in the sound dock (bse) It stops at random times and sounds like its going to blow one of the speakers out-- Why does it do that
  21. Whole show is a facepalm homie. You cant make this shit up ...Srsly mtv has some smart people working for them.
  22. One of the coolest cities ive been to. And ive been to quite a few. Every city has a homo section, some bigger than others. Sounds like you would fit in fine there. Sf is nice.
  23. Thought mila was looking a little better last time i saw her .awell.... These 2 need to go down on each other immediatly..
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