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Everything posted by mosluggo

  1. Didnt know you could purchase the graffitti tats NEW! ANIYA STYLE $85
  2. I wasnt hating, and i dont know what troll means either ,,dog
  3. found the musician in possession of a variety of medications prescribed to another person. He failed field sobriety tests and was found to be carrying Xanax, Percocet, and Hydrocodone. Seems like a fun guy--
  4. Saw this in the window of some art gallery today. If anyone can explain what i'm looking at i'd appreciate it. Then went to get a tat
  5. Yes, especially the travel threads. Theres probably at least 5 for every big city in the continental us. Whatever happened to just going and figuring shit out along the way??
  6. ^^ Whats up with all the replies like "wtf is he doing with that uzi and blahblahblah" This guy needs a time machine not a lawyer How is this even a question???
  7. Anyone know that other app that is just like pandora but unlimited skips? Also when I put the phone in the sound dock (bse) It stops at random times and sounds like its going to blow one of the speakers out-- Why does it do that
  8. Whole show is a facepalm homie. You cant make this shit up ...Srsly mtv has some smart people working for them.
  9. One of the coolest cities ive been to. And ive been to quite a few. Every city has a homo section, some bigger than others. Sounds like you would fit in fine there. Sf is nice.
  10. Thought mila was looking a little better last time i saw her .awell.... These 2 need to go down on each other immediatly..
  11. show blows ...ill watch the one when she gets knocked out but its a wrap other than that. WOW
  12. Tried multiple times no luck .. guess i should have mentioned that . Thanks again
  13. I had a very bad adware virus on this comp last week. Shit would not go away. Took me a long time to figure that out. And now i cannot use google either. says oops link is broken
  14. That lincoln continental they got for 9 GRAND was a very nice car. And im pretty sure its the one the old man is driving now. Seems like every episode goes like this. Sooooo, how much you want for it? Eh, i was hoping on 3000 bucks We'll give you 400$ ...... Deal I gotta open a pawn shop
  15. THIS RIGHT HERE Played hockey for a long time this game never gets old, and im getting one in my basement soon.. Baywatch Melrose Place------JERK TIME and of course 0073735963 Also, i been sleeping on this thread . thanks to all
  16. People are really considering this for 5k??? And youll most likely get caught. Negativity oNeR
  17. kym by hooters and some runners last week
  18. these people cant be real And gotti"s rolling around in his grave at those grandsons of his.. DAGOS
  19. Yes If and when i win the lotto im taking that dudes spot. Put a 2nd girl on the left though
  20. Any of the corona ones are usually pretty good. Like this one though http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFI5K0l8Nn4
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