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Everything posted by SukiSukiNow

  1. amen and hallelujah, unfortunately people (men and women) love gossip. lemmings tend to believe whatever they hear. so not sexy. oh and don't go around saying oh yeah dude i get up oooh i paint yeah im big in this city and that city, womp womp womp. it's so fucking stupid. keep that shit to yourself! tip: don't be a lemming
  2. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear schnitzpie, good luck! <3 ssn p.s. hellllllllllllllla aussies in korea dear corea, down to my last day with you. thanks for the most amazing time and all the memories i will cherish. please take good care of my mom, sister, and nephew til they leave. i will see you again in a couple of years!! corea with a c motherfuckers! cheers and gambeh!!! <3 ssn dear 12 hour plane ride, please be quick and gentle. <3 ssn dear pugs and dudeface, ftw!!! see you soon! <3 ssn
  3. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear iou, that's right you take what's yours! <3 ssn
  4. what's with all the drama in tinychat.
  5. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! fucking cute beyond words. you know my pugs will be in my wedding if that ever happens.
  6. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear spring cleaning, it's fall but i need to clear out some junk, esp crap associated with bad memories. <3 ssn dear pugs, i will be home soon, don't be so sad. <3 ssn
  7. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! omg im so jealous! you need an alpaca to keep the llama company.
  8. dudes gossiping like little bitches is so not sexy
  9. the grass is NOT always greener on the other side
  10. don't ever trust anyone and don't ever believe anything unless it came straight from the horse's mouth, or at least that's what a smart person would do
  11. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear shumai, mommy misses you so much. <3 ssn
  12. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear cali, my mom, sister, and brother-in-law won't let me pay for anything so im not sure how much anything really is. i came here with a credit card which i have not used once and $200 but somehow i have $400 more. food is cheap, 3 of use ate the other day for $12. im researching tattoo shops, maybe i can get one here before i leave. <3 ssn
  13. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear seyseysey and cali, things are so different here. i feel like an outcast. the japanese tourists keep coming up and touching my tattoos. i just say hai! no touch! gomen na sai! otherwise, i'm having a fanfuckingtastic time. <3 ssn p.s. i keep trying to flick thick korean girls, but it ain't easy.
  14. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! great lighting. he/she deserves center stage.
  15. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear cali, been here for 5 days now. i'm already exhausted. <3 ssn
  16. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear jet lag, you are making me delirious. <3 ssn
  17. my niece, nephew, and i avoiding the swine flu in korea! my nephew is 11. he was itching to write on something. last night we went to hongdae in seoul it's korea's version of japan's harajuku district. no one gave a shit that we were writing on stuff and putting up stickers, it was very strange.
  18. im like this... oh i have a penny!!! lets spend it!!! you know, i try to save but if i can manage to enrich my life with happiness i will fucking do it.
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