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Everything posted by SukiSukiNow

  1. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear shumai, i miss you so much!!! <3 ssn
  2. snacks for the ride my mom is worried about swine flu all packed stupid traffic school mom's rice maker talks to you since i got here 2 nights ago, my mom has been chasing me around the house trying to put yogurt in my hair because she says my hair is DEAD!!! she won.
  3. grilled cheese and wet fries woke up to a hot korean breakfast monster is the queen of the house
  4. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear schnitz, pm me your addy. <3 ssn
  5. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear leo, which day did you go? it took me forever to get home from the great highway!!! <3 ssn
  6. fat ralphy are you getting married or are you already married? i used to teach preschool and remember having to always use half my payroll buying supplies.
  7. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear cali, happy birthday. sorry we wont get to secret swim spot this year. <3 ssn
  8. being crazy in the head counts as a disability flew into LA friend came to pick me up fire went to zanku for falafels looked at fishes and turtles i thought the one in the back was dead mmm... ice cream got some sleeping pills and xanax for the airplane ride to korea tomorrow
  9. my flight has been delayed, what a fucking surprise! thank goodness i brought my laptop.
  10. ewww my parents house is where im going to tonight and they live in monterey park! sad pasadena is near too, i hope my sister in law burns and goes to hell. oopsies!
  11. damn is that the san gabriel mountains? im on my way to la right now.
  12. bought a new bag count chocula you fucking hooligan
  13. chops you're the fucking best. good to see you posting on here again. i'll look for something to bring you back from korea. :)
  14. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! this photo for the fucking WIN!!!
  15. you asshole i probably swam in your pee since i was down stream from you!
  16. lou seal was being frisky dude's aunt, uncle (john stanley used to host creature feature), and judith o'day (starred in night of the living dead) it was sci fi nerd day at the park in line to get on the field and meet and greet got free tshirts being on the field was pretty amazing dude's dad was hella stoked, he's a huge giants fan ate kimchi ramen for dinner
  17. it's cool stan im back to resave this page with the motherfucking giants went to the game with dude and his family, we didn't get our usual seats but they were still awesome. 3rd row. we beat the rockies, 9th inning was intense. fatralphy i hope you watched. it was creature feature tribute night, they were showing night of the living dead on the big score board after the game they were giving away free bags got some food crab salad crab sammich beer ice cream sundae jeff kent signed autographs he's very handsome cute little boy sat in front of me the panda he hit a homerun splasher zito was the man yesterday
  18. peek-a-boo drank one too many whiskey sours and vomited
  19. ate some good thai food took pugs to the beach saw the remains of some seal or something turned inside out went to trannyshack for the bjork tribute the performances were fabulous wore the wrong shoes for dancing
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