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Dr. Dazzle

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Everything posted by Dr. Dazzle

  1. Here's a bunch of Aussies in @Swindle's honour Adrian Hing Mitch Love Mike Tea Adam Truarn Ben Rorke Josh Sutterby Rory Pickersgill Miguel Sanchez Josh Todaro Heath Nock
  2. Australia has so many rad artists. Got a few I'd love to come over and get stuff by some day soon!
  3. Rewarding myself after packing for my move
  4. @seeking@Fist 666@metronome@grd@earmuffs@Deine Mudder@Swindle@Boodah@Pedro dePaca I know some of you still lurk on here, lets get this thread going again! Used to love talking with you guys!
  5. Bump this thread. Let's move on down to Washington now... Christopher Ayalin William Kasper Gordon McCloud Asher Bowers Mike Rempe Derek Noble Trevor Taylor TC Hatch Adrian Martinez Jake Whitson Vinse One
  6. @metronome Was a big fan of that Troubled Monk you sent my way, dude!
  7. Booked in for my first tattoo since December on Oct 22nd. Figured since it's been almost a year may as well go big and get my knee blasted. Might post it if this thread starts picking up some steam again....
  8. I'm a huge fan of a lot of guys in Spain, my wife and I are planning to spend our honeymoon there once things get back to normal and do a little tattoo tour. Here's a few Julian Frogon Over Alvaro Bauza Mauricio Noguera Daniel Soriano Manu Santana Javi Castano David Poza Luis Basterra
  9. Aaaaaaaand more Logan Morrison Tim Pausinger Spencer Evans Nick Oaks Kurt Von Getz Paul Wolk Jake Locks Craig Lunn Alex Gracia Scott Rusnak Matt McLaughlin Glennie Whittall Piew Choquette
  10. More Canadian zip zappers to keep this thread going! I'm looking at you, @metronome! Tasha Terror Daniel Bacharach Stephane Noel Nathan Draper Heath Smith Don Callahan Ryan Halter Miguel Lepage Braden Mangione Mark Jansen Kirk Shandro Alec Benjamin Lucas Ford JF Bourbon
  11. More Brian Carr Ryan Gagne Matthew Houston Shamus Mahannah Daniel Doukakis Stef Neale Ryan Buttar Matt Vanasse Tom Lortie Andy Gibson Josh Peters
  12. That first one is by Chris David, not Chris Hold. Here's a Chris Hold tattoo as well
  13. Some Canadian tat slangers to get this thread going again Chris Hold Aaron Garand Benny Hannya Franz Stefanik Alex Duquette Brandon Ing Dillon Sachen Jay Breen Joel Marlo Chris Soupourmas Kevin Shuttleworth Mitch Kirilo Reuben Todd Vince Genois https://i.imgur.com/KGDjylV.png
  14. This is so incredibly bizarre. I don't really come on here anymore, maybe a fleeting glance every 6 months or so. A few days ago, probably right around your diagnosis, for no reason whatsoever you popped in to my head. For some reason I was reminded of our discussions about music, the CD exchanges, your photography. Then I go and log in here out of the blue a few days later and see this. I am so unbelievably sorry. This hits particularly close to home as I have suffered from acid reflux my entire life. It was only about 4 years ago where it was officially diagnosed as GERD after it got so bad one day it basically stopped me from being able to swallow. I had the endoscopy that revealed my entire esophagus is scarred from it being untreated for 30+ years. I've been on Pantoprazole ever since which seems to do the trick, although I do have bad days every now and then. I've had another endoscopy since, but this has made me realize I should really make an appointment to get another one. What you are going through right now is my worst fear, especially knowing how much the risk is increased with my condition. I know the words of a complete stranger mean nothing with what you are going through right now, but from the bottom of my fucking heart I am so, so sorry. Even though we never actually knew each other, you were a constant presence in my youth thanks to how much goddamn time we spent on this dumb website. I wish you the absolute best in your fight against this, and know that this random Canadian stranger knows you are strong enough to beat this. Godspeed, my dude ❤️
  15. He and I are still good friends, he recently had a kid and moved out to the country. Saw him just the other week actually. I'll try and ring him back in. @SukiSukiNowwe were actually joking about getting in touch and coming to visit you one day haha
  16. Goddamn I was barely 18 at that point. Wasn't even my first name in here either!
  17. What about the whole AGX (?) / PCI Plus deal? The guy at the store said he needed to know which one it was...
  18. Sooo what kind of video card is in it? Quoted post [/b] Ahem...
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