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Everything posted by duh-rye-won

  1. fuck that. guru might not be what he used to be. but i'm happy with anyone who isn't playing for the bling bling team or the dirty south take your shirt off and spin it round your head like a helicopter team. i heard something about the wu in new york this feb?
  2. hahahahahaha milton's on fucking point. hahahahahaha
  3. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=31...50241&q=marimba
  4. my girlfriend works in a real uptown hair salon. so i get my hair cut there. eric cuts my hair. eric's a cool dude. Kathy shampoos my hair. Kathy is teh hawt. the place is just jam packed with insane ass. it's a bit overwhelming. when Kathy shampoos my hair, she also massages my neck. it feels very good. she has this one special move where she puts her hands like by my collar bones and her thumbs push right on my spine. i know it doesnt sound very romantic, but last sunday kathy almost made me nut.
  5. biggest shwanson? iquit ftw.
  6. caffeine, redheads and a hundred dollar bill. this thread has it all!
  7. i wonder how the expression, "shoot the shit", came to be.
  8. haha antique roadshow. the antique master person is always going on and on about the shit, and you know the people with the antiques are like, shut the fuck up and just tell me how much i can sell this fucking moldy piece of wood for, bitch!
  9. so gangster. magically gangster. obviously gangster. bugsy was gangster. lansky. kosher gangster. i can't think of a caption for walken. gangster. dumbo gangster face, murdock and BA as well. gangster. gangster pimp. gangster narc. gangthter alstho gangthter.
  10. ^hahahaha best name ive seen on here in a minute.
  11. sue's rendezvous! haha. me and N. Moppa used to frequent that spot. good times.
  12. dope. have fun. flik it up.
  13. my uncle did 10 years under the rockefeller drug laws in the 80's. someone approached him about writing a biography on what went down. he didn't go for it. uncle larry's got so many ill stories. woulda been a hell of a book.
  14. how 'bout sunday afternoons right after speedwalking? anyone read anything good lately? reading this now. one of my favorite authors. i like historical novels. just started it, and it jumped right into some crazy mexican bullfighting shit. dopeness. i give the first 50 pages a big thumbs up. meh. carl hiassen style florida mystery shit. kinda funny. bitch got a chinese character tattooed on her titty which she later finds out means "hot sauce". hehe novel based on the plane crash out on long island 5 years ago. pretty interesting. recommended if you are a conspiracy nerd. pretty dope! half thai, half white. buddhist cop in bangkok avenges his partners death. lot of funny shit. lot of funny crooked cop shit, buddhist philsophy, drugs, whores, gritty ass bang kok shit. the ending kind of fell apart, but still a cool book. i want to try to write a book. doesnt seem so hard. but i guess it probably is. -teh Grey Goose
  15. blame it on the rain, it was fallin, fallin. blame it on the stars...
  16. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=515642196227308929
  17. i dont remember. but you did. i couldnt make something like that up.
  18. jesus fucking christ. i hate to be a music snob. i listen to some corny shit. but seriously. come on.
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