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Everything posted by duh-rye-won

  1. hey, did this pic work? i know failed image posting attempts are the most annoying things in the world but i really think i got it. http://img34.photobucket.com/albums/v102/gooose/drecarolmedork_lr.jpg'>
  2. Re: FUCKING LOSER you know what? let him off that easy. for your son's sake. he really doesn't sound like father material. just get the money he owes you and spend it wisely. it's a complicated matter and i don't want to come off like i know what you should do, but that's my 2cents based on the little i know of whats goin on with you. good luck. you sound like a good mom.
  3. i know a kid that did it. but he's a fucking wack job so his opinion and insights are pretty worthless. i seriously think about it all the time. i know it would be brutal, something bout it really appeals to me tho. the white kid that wrote graff in dark days did it after they filmed that. i'd like to go with a friend tho. you are dealing with some gnarly no joke motherfuckers out there.
  4. i'm seriously considering doing one of those 4 month commercial fishing in alaska deals. it's the most dangerous job in america. chances are at least one person in a crew of one hundred gets killed on a trip. you make like 40K in 4 months tho. and i really like fishing.
  5. yeah, learn a trade. you can pick up and move anywhere and always find work if you can do bodywork on cars.
  6. hehehe. not me, i'm totally transparent. if i haven't already told you how i really feel about you you can just see it in my face. i'd be the worst salesman ever.
  7. word. my older bro is a salesman. sells commercial time for FOX tv network. makes dumb loot. i could never be in sales. actin friendly to people you really think are dipshits. fuck that.
  8. panel shop sounds cooler. fuck bein a car salesman. no offense if pops, is.
  9. ohhhhh http://images.chips-tv.com/redir.cgi/Gallery/PonchJon/Stop.jpg'> not http://bill.innanen.com/photoalbum/photos/P000238L.jpg'> i strike my :lol: from the record. made me think of the movie where charlie sheen and emilio estevez are garbage men. hahaha.
  10. i like intense thunderstorms. makes ya feel nice and insignificant.
  11. :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
  12. oh. i used to use a spray gun a lot when i did big productions. it was loud and messy. i have absolutely nothing interesting to say right now so i'll stop typing.
  13. thanks for the support. 5 minutes to go. and the last homo-uber you got me on was so lame.
  14. funny shit. 20 minutes left at work. i'm delirious with boredom.
  15. duh-rye-won


    rode in a rickshaw for an hour and a half yesterday. felt great. -HONG KONG DRIFTO
  16. Re: yay thank GOD i never have to do that shit. congrats!
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