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Everything posted by serum

  1. those last set of watermelons aint no joke some tranzor z shit right there
  2. wtf? anal butt beads and butt pimples?
  3. thanks for your compliments greatly appreciated. doodle it looks like i went to india but really its a suburb outside of chicago I think i remember a few chicago people posted some pics in here http://www.swaminarayan.org/globalnetwork/america/chicago.htm
  4. i like dogfish head - im just tired of seeing all these beers with fruit as the main ingredient hint of apricot added to beers is fine with me, just dont give me fanta beer
  5. ^that was disgusting gave that to my girl and she wouldn't even drink it. strawberry fanta i'm getting tired of all their new fruit beers
  6. thanks for the compliments, greatly appreciated.
  7. crap I copied the large rather than the medium links- sorry little too big
  8. thanks Mercer. what I find interesting is the one you like I thought might have been a dud
  9. yeah i'm definitely going to see prometheus in the theater
  10. looks like an uncircumcised penix with an arrow through it
  11. 3 floyds Rye'd Da Lightning had this on tap last night even with a huge beer menu this was all I drank
  12. went to a show last night negative approach was awesome
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